- Chapter 5: Angry -

Start from the beginning

"What is she doing her anyway!?" She snapped at Sam who looked at me silently asking permission i nod my head at him just as Jacob screamed again

"She is Jacob's imprint she has every right to be here she is apart of the pack and family" He said while watching me

"Aww well then you should know that i kissed him before the fight it was great his lips were so soft" She taunts with a smile

That's when i snap i could feel my inner elemental pushing to be free as i stand up but i push it back not wanting to demolish the whole forest. I walk over to her glaring with every step she gulps and she steps back but just backs up into her truck with bo escape. I grab her by the neck and lift her of the floor holding her in the air without a care in the world. She grabs my arm with both of her hands trying to get my hand of her neck but i just squeeze tighter she has just took it all to far.

"You touch my JJ again against his will?" I asked coldly to which she just laughed

"Yes" She croaked out

"That's it" I snap out coldly making her flinch

I threw her on the floor making her cry out in pain i don't stop there i kick her in the ribs multiple times. Then bend down punching her in the face a couple times that's when arms wrap around me pinning my arms to my side stopping me. I know it's Sam holding me because i can hear him whispering in my ear just as i see a pale man kneeling next to Bella he must be doctor bloodsucker Carlisle. That leech should just leave her on the floor and focus on my mate who is currently screaming in pain because of their kind.

"Jacob is mine! Kiss him, touch him, look at him or even talk to him or me again and no-one will be able to pull me away!!" I yell trying to get out of Sam's arms

"What happened Sam" Carlisle said looking at Sam behind me

"Bella kissed Jacob against his will while he has a imprint which she knew about. The girl i am holding is Bella's adopted older sister and Jacob's imprint" Sam said holding be tightly

"Get back in there and look after my JJ he needs your help more. He is screaming in pain! He helped you fight he deserves your help not that bitch!" I scream fighting more against Sam

He nods his head then runs back inside bmBella starts whimpering on the floor making me smirk at her that's what she gets when she kisses my man!. Sam drags me over to Seth who hugs me to him tightly while Sam lifts bella up and lays her in the bed of her truck making her whimper again. He doesn't comfort her or anything he just walks over to me and stands beside Seth i know he is only stood there incase i get out of Seth's arms and beat her some more. After a hour i am still in Seth's arms the screams did calm down but we could still hear him grunt rather loudly every now and then. Bella is still on the bed of her truck she has been whining about how she is in so much pain and how Carlisle should be treating her. When Carlisle comes out he looks at the pack and tells them everything about Jacobs condition making sure to tell us about the rest he will need then he looks at me.

"He is asking for you" He said with a knowing looking

"Yes!" Bella whimpered out making the pack growl and me struggle to get out of Seth's arms to beat her ass even more maybe knock her unconscious for a while that actually sounds like a good idea.

"Not you Bella he is asking for his imprint" He said putting Bella in her place and shocking all of us

"Go to your mate he needs you just like you need him princess" Seth whispers Carlisle looks at me and Seth confused

"Just keep that thing out here and away from us" I said ignoring Carlisle's confused face he will find out when my parents are here if they want him to know

"Of course anything for you" Seth said with a smile

I step out of Seth's arms and walk over to Billy i grab his hand and kiss his cheek he squeezes my hand and tells me everything will be okay. He let's go of my hand and he nods to the house with a small smile on his face i nod back at him. Then go inside and up to Jacob's room only to stand in the door way with tears rolling down my cheeks there is my JJ on the small bed by the window with bandages around his ribs and morphine drip attached. I go over and kneel next to his head and take his hand in mine kissing it softly making him look over at me.

"Riri?" He asked groggily

"It's me JJ" I said as more tears rolled down my cheeks

"I'm sorry" He said mumbled out sleepily

"No need to be sorry she told me herself and i may or may not have beaten her up alittle" I said kissing his hand again

"Good because i don't want her i want you, your all i have ever wanted and will always want" He said sounding more sleepy

"I know that, now shush and get some rest i still want all those kisses" I said smirking slightly

"Can you go get dad for me i need to talk to him quickly" He asked groggily

"Of course babe" I said placing his hand back on rhe bed

I kiss his cheek and reluctantly go back outside where i tell Billy that Jacob wants to talk to him before he goes to sleep. I watch as Billy quickly wheels inside and up to Jacob's room i stay outside wanting to give them privacy i turn around and see Bella in the arms of another leech or as the pack described Edward the mind reader. The pack are all glaring at them except Sam he waves me over to him i go over and stand next to him only for his to wrap his arm's around me again preventing me from giving out anymore beatings.

"She did it baby she beat me up" Bella whines like a child

"Oh please i can do worse but does your leech know you kissed Jacob against his will?" I said and asked

"You did what?!" Edward said shocked

"Yeah she did she even admitted it infront of the pack here and Carlisle was in the house so i know he heard with his vamp hearing" I said smirling

"You bitch!" Bella said storming over to me

"Bella what did i warn you about earlier" I said as she got closer

"You can't touch me now my boyfriend is here he will stop you and Sam has his arms around you" She snapped now standing infront of me

"Oh really" I said

I flick my hand and vines come out the ground and drag Edward away up to a tree then wrap themselves around him and the tree effectively tying him up. Bella looks over then looks back at me with wide eyes i smirk at her as Sam removes his arms only for me to raise my hand and punch her straight in the nose hearing a satisfying crack. I knew i broke it thanks to that sound then i push her over making her fall the the floor i bend down headbutting her then put my face close to hers getting in her face.

"You messed with the wrong girl Isabella now leave me, Jacob and everyone in la push alone or it will be alot worse" I said coldly

I let use my power's to get the vines to let Edward go as soon as they remove them from his body he runs over and picks Bella up. Then put's her in the truck and drives away like a mad man leaving a cloud of dust behind i just wave at them as they go with a smirk on my face. Just as i do that Billy walks out he looks at the truck speeding away then looks at me with a raised eyebrow i shrug my shoulders at him with a smile on my face.



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