"I knew you missed me, auntie dearest!" Phoebe sing-songed, attempting to dampen out the situation with some terribly-placed-terrible-humour, like she usually did.

"Home. Now." She hissed through the phone before hanging up.

"I wonder if they make churros in Japan..." She hummed to herself, deciding to take one last detour to Mr. Stark before heading home. Oh how she loved to be constantly monitored by him. But not anymore, ha-ha, because by tomorrow night, I'll be out of his reach!

"Mi-ster Staaa-aaark!" Phoebe called out into the hallway, tackling the man into a very forced hug before he could oppose. Why would he even wanna oppose? I'm sure he loves me, just like everyone does *lipbite*

"Jesus, kid, stop being so loud. People are working here." Tony scolded, but put a hand on Phoebe's head nevertheless. He had grown used to the girl, her spontaneous visits, her troublemaking, her over-touchiness, so although he wouldn't admit it, he was a little...disappointed to hear that she was leaving.

"Right, right, sorry," She said sarcastically, "Do you wanna go get some donuts with me?" She asked excitedly, pulling Tony along with her before he could even protest.

The truth was that despite Phoebe hiding behind that cheery personality of hers, she felt sad. She would definitely miss everyone, like Tony, Happy, Ned, MJ (damn, that girl was always such a mood), or the churro lady. But May didn't want Phoebe in so much danger, and for what? In Japan, she'll at least get paid for risking her life. Plus, the crime rate is much lower, so there probably won't be much life-risking to attend to, anyway.

"Man, this is sooo good!" Phoebe swooned over the box of chocolate donuts, half of which she had already devoured, while Mr. Stark bought himself just one donut. And it was a plain one. What the hell was wrong with that guy. "Want one?"

"No thanks, it's all yours." He shook his head, gaze lingering around his pocket for a moment before he reached into it, taking out a box. "Here, this is for you. For...your new start in Japan."

Phoebe blinked curiously at the man before opening the box, revealing a pair of brand-new, of course made by Mr. Stark himself, web-shooters. Man, they looked- "-Awesome! Thanks a lot!" She called out in amazement, immediately putting them on. They fit perfectly. Even if they wouldn't, though, she'd still love them just as much.

"No problem. I increased their web fluid capacity so that you won't have to refill as often. Knowing you, though, you'll probably still use them up in a matter of hours."

"Not true!" She pouted, offended, "I only need to refill them once a day! Or two..."

"That's what you get for swinging around all day long. You better hope that your school in Japan gives you access to the lab,"

"It's a hero school, so of course they will," She huffed discontently, "Hero school. Don't they have better stuff to waste money on than controlling heroes? Or do they have to show off how flashy they are with their low crime rate." Damn, they should've just called Uzui if they wanted to be flashy.

"They do things their way, and we do it our way. I get that you don't like the idea of being kept on a leash, kid, but it's a good learning opportunity for you to gain from,"

Damn your annoyingly grown up and mature and wisdom-full words. "I'll bite that damned leash off, right along with their hands." She took off her web shooters and put them away with the half-threat leaving her mouth. It was true, she really didn't like being monitored or stuff like that, it was, well, annoying.

Tony sighed hopelessly, staring at the girl who finished up her last donut.

"Shit--" Phoebe suddenly jumped when her phone rang.


"Yes sir." She said with a sarcastic salute, answering the call from May on speaker, a sense of dread coming over her. "I was just getting some donuts with Mr. Stark, I'll be home in a minute!"

"You better bring me some too if you don't want to lose a limb or two~"

"R-Right..." She hung up with the threat hanging in the air, stiffly throwing away the empty donut box into the trash can. "I um..."


"I'll be right back..."

"Oh, no, I'll be going, then--" Tony said, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"O-oh, alright..."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye-" He froze at the girl's sudden, much-tighter-than-usual hug, which she released before he had time to think about how to react appropriately. She then flashed him a smile, and hurried back into the bakery.

Inside, she watched Tony slowly leave, before ordering a box of Aunt May's favourites, and she, too, left.

𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 。゚ʙɴʜᴀ x ᴍᴄᴜ。゚ꜰᴇᴍ ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-ᴍᴀɴ ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now