Chapter 7

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"I-I love both of them," I said, biting the inside of my cheeks.

"Well, you can't wear both of them. You got to pick who's you like more, mine or Tsumugu's," Kaname says. "Remember, my selection shows that your proud to be different with me, Hikari, Manaka, and Chi."

"And mine shows that even if you are different, you can still be one of us," Tsumugu says.

"Um, can I talk to this human who made my uniforms for a bit? You guys wait outside, it won't be long," I said, smiling. The two nodded and went outside.

"Sir, I don't know what I should wear. I like both of them, not only the uniforms but the two in general. I can't just pick one!" I said.

"I understand and I think I have a solution. It might not look the best, but it is close enough," the dressmaker says, taking the uniforms. I waited for a while until he showed an incredible masterpiece!

 I waited for a while until he showed an incredible masterpiece!

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"Just wear these two?" He asks.

"You are amazing! Arigato, arigato, arigato!" I squealed while jumping up and down. I gave him a hug and some extra money. I ran outside with a huge smile.

"Did you decide?" Tsumugu asks.

"Yeah, you will see tomorrow," I said.

"Surprise?" Kaname asks.

"Yup. Anyways, it's getting dark, we should probably be heading back," I said, looking up at the sky.

"I mean, we do have school tomorrow," Kaname says. "Your staying with me today."
We started to head back, and we saw Kaname's mom and Tsumugu's grandpa waiting for us. We told them the whole story about the lawyer and all. They were surprised and proud.

"Gomen I caused Tsumu and Kana trouble," I said, bowing.

"I would have been angry if they didn't do anything in that situation. I am glad they did," Kaname's mom says. "Anways, let's get going."

"Well, we didn't get a chance to go underwater did we?" I asked Tsumugu, and then I hugged him. "Maybe next time?"

He was surprised but smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Next time," Tsumugu says. Then, we waved our goodbyes, and I went down to Kaname's house, where I met his dad. We got along pretty quickly since we had a lot in common. After dinner, Kaname took me to his room. He gave me extra clothes to change into, and this time, I was able to change by myself.

I told Kaname about what I did in Tsumugu's house yesterday night since he asked me about it today morning. While I was explaining, I saw Kaname gritting his teeth.

When I talk about Tsumugu with Kaname, he gets pretty upset, and the same goes with Kaname. I don't get why I thought they got along pretty well since both of them were my best friends.

"Since you slept with him yesterday, why don't you sleep with me today?" He asks.

"I don't see why not," I said, smiling hard. I got in bed with Kaname, and he did the same thing Tsumugu did yesterday night. Their similarities are incredible, yet they do not get along. Never mind that this bed is so soft and comfy like Tsumugu's. I can't think anymore. I slowly closed my eyes.

Next morning

"Kaishu! It's time to wake up. We have school! I already took a bath, it is your turn," Kaname says. "I will be waiting for you, on the surface." I groaned and made myself wake up. I took a shower and wore my uniform. I wonder how the two will react. I let my hair out, ate breakfast, and went to the surface of the water.

I saw Tsumugu, Kaname, Hikari, Chisaki, and Manaka waiting for me. The thing was that Tsumugu and Kaname looked really nervous for some reason. I wonder what? Is it which one I am going to wear? I don't get why they are so anxious about that. It's like they are betting on if I wear Kaname's or Tsumugu. I like that person more. But I already told them that I feel the same way towards both of them.

"I'm here," I said, coming out of the water. The five looked at me with surprised expressions.

"Does it not look good?" I asked them.

"Kaishu, can me, Kaname, and you speak alone. We will catch up with you guys later," Tsumugu says...he doesn't seem pretty happy. Am I in trouble?

"Why did you wear them both?" Kaname asks me. 

"I liked bo-," I didn't get to finish. 

"I don't want the same answer from last time!" Tsumugu yells. 

"W-Why is it that you want me to wear one?! I like them both, so I wear them!" I said. 

"You don't get it, do you?!" Kaname yells. 

"No, I don't! You guys keep acting like you want me to like only 1 of you guys! Guess what? I love you both! K? Ever since we have been friends, I had a crush on both of you. You guys make me feel special," I yelled. What in the world did I just blurt out. I looked down and didn't dare to look back up. 

"You like b-both of us?" Kaname and Tsumugu ask. 

"," I mumbled. Tsumugu pulls me and kisses me on my lips. I felt his tongue against mine. Then, Kaname pulled me into a kiss, he used his tongue to play with mine. When they stopped, it took me to realize what they had just done. 

"EEHHHHH?!" I said while blushing really hard. The two started to laugh really hard. 

"It's good to know that I stole your first kiss," Tsumugu says. 

"Nah, I've got many kisses before when I was in the other city," I said. 

"I mean, I don't blame are pretty attractive," Kaname says. 

"Shut up, let's go to school," I said, holding their hands. We walked to school and everyone stared at me in surprise. Tsumugu and Kaname sat down in their seats. I bit my lower lip and looked around, what am I supposed to do. 

"Well, please introduce yourself," sensei says also, looking surprised. 

"Konichiwa, I am Kaishu," I said, writing my name on the board as Kaname told me to do yesterday.

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now