00:01 - not my strings

175 11 5

Why does kissing this man feel so right? It shouldn't.

Alicia felt strangely safe and comfortable in Sergio's arms. She never in her life would have thought that she will end up feeling like this with someone she was chasing. She despised the people outside the law. And now she was one of them. Is this all what divides things we condemn and things we feel comfortable with? The side of the line we are stuck on?

She was aware that she barely knew him. A part of her was still telling her that she shouldn't blindly trust the man. Just a couple of hours ago he would have shot me! Then again... a couple of hours before that I actually shot him. Can I blame him?

She held him more tightly. She didn't want the moment to end. What the hell am I even doing?! This is a mistake on so many levels!

Her rationality started to kick in, slowly tearing apart the thin veil of sensuality which clouded her mind for a while. Was it two seconds? A minute? Or five? But Sergio's lips hungrily searching for hers as she slightly moved away from him, made her question the importance of her own questions.

So did he want me to kiss him? Or did I just randomly do it and he rolled with it? How could I have been such an idiot to do something this stupid?!

Who cares? We might rot in prison for the remaining best years of our lives...

She locked her lips with his again, more passionately this time, her arms still wrapped around his neck, making him take a step back, his back hitting the wall. He turned themselves around, trapping Alicia between himself and the wall. She didn't expect it. Their eyes met for a moment before he claimed her lips again. And seeing him this resolute, made Alicia's flow of thoughts stop and then go into an entirely different direction. Why didn't we meet at a different time? Maybe a couple of months earlier... or later... Why does it have to be now?! She couldn't even lie to herself anymore. Her body was tired, and obviously not responding to his proximity in the way it normally would have done, yet still, she was clearly attracted to him.

A police car drove by underneath the window of the room, making both of them become tense and freeze for a moment. But as the sound of its sirens started to come from farther and farther away, his lips wandered down to her jawline, almost as a way of saying we're okay.

Ok, this is nice... But I'm still an idiot for letting it happen! Alicia's thoughts started poking their bubble again. What are we even doing...? And I initiated this, for heaven's sake...

Or didn't I? Did he seduce me into kissing him? He was the one coming up with the whole dancing in the first place...

Her mind started to be louder and louder, and suddenly the sweetness of Sergio's lips on her skin was not enough to silence her thoughts. Her fingers ran deeper into his hair as her doubts came more and more to the surface. Has he been playing for this all along? her eyes snapped open. The guy is a master-manipulator, after all...

She slowly moved her hand to the side of his head, and pushed him a bit away from herself. She stared into his face, initially with a searching gaze, than furrowing her brows.

With his nerdy glasses he was the guy who seemed to be all awkward and clumsy regarding everything intimate, but underneath this facade, now he was a man, who gave the impression of someone who is intent and calculated even there. Just like when he kissed me out there... He wasn't even surprised that I kissed him. Why wasn't he? Why wasn't he all awkward about it? It's almost as if he expected me to do it. Was this a sham too?!

Suddenly she started to feel like a complete idiot. Suddenly she felt trapped.

Did he manipulate me into falling into his web? He did this to Raquel too after all, damn it! Or didn't he? What was that even about? The bastard...

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