Damsel in Distress

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"A'right! Glad that turned out well." Merle stated. Turning to Daryl; "Go git the truck." He ordered.

Daryl grunted before turning around.

"Hol' on baby brother!" Merle called. He turned his gaze onto me. "Go with 'em. He'll git lost."

I froze. What? Why me?! I glanced at Daryl, who looked just as shocked.

Before I could protest, Shane stepped forward. "No way. I'll go with him if anything." He snarled.

Merle stepped back, hands up. "I'd rather her go. Daryl ain't gonna hurt 'er, an' I feel like ya would." Merle explained. Shane glared at him, and for a second, I thought fists were gonna fly. I glanced at Daryl. He had his crossbow out, aiming at Shane.

"Don't!" I yelled. They stopped, turning to me. When Shane caught sight of Daryl, he stepped away. Merle smirked.

"Like I said, ma baby brother ain't gonna hurt 'er." Merle stated. Shane glanced at me.

"You ok to do this?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder.

Am I? I don't know these men! For all I know, they could drag me into the woods and rape me! But I don't want anyone else to suffer because of that. Shane has Lori and Carl, Amy has Andrea, and Carol has Sophia and Ed. I have no one.

I looked up at Shane and nodded.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yes." I whispered. Then I turned to Daryl. Butterflies started to flap around my stomach, and I felt like throwing up. I started to regret accepting this.

"Alright. Be careful." Shane stated, patting me on the shoulder. I nodded and took a couple timid steps towards Daryl. While I was passing Merle, he flashed me another smile. I tried smiling, but it wouldn't come. Before I made it all the way to Daryl, he turned around, trudging down the trail again. I followed obediently.

When we got to the dead monster, Daryl took a sharp left turn, into the woods. I struggled to follow him through the dense woods. Suddenly, something grabbed my boot. Yelping, I looked down. It was just a bramble. When I freed myself, I looked around.

I couldn't see Daryl.

I started shaking as I glanced around frantically. I was all alone.

"Daryl?" I called. The bushes ahead of me rustled, and I smiled. "Thank god." I whispered, walking forward to greet him.

A monster came roaming out, snarling at the sight of me. I froze, fear raising inside me. It lunged at me, stumbling over a root. I landed at my feet, and reached for them. Screaming, I leaped back, hitting a tree. I whipped around, facing a dead end. Three trees stood, all bunched close together. Keeping me trapped. The monster groaned behind me, making me turn around. It was getting up, still trying to get me. I fumbled with my belt, looking for my knife. When my hand brushed the handle, I ripped it out of my sheath. Pointing it at the monster, I started to tremble.

"Go away!" I shrieked. "Please!"

The monster ignored me, and got to its feet.

"Please! Leave me alone!" I cried, tears starting to roll down my face. The monster was only a few feet away, and I slammed my eyes shut. I lunged forward, sinking my knife into its chest. I opened my eyes, but the monster was still alive. I jumped way, hitting my back against the trees.

Suddenly, a bolt seared through its head, the end sticking out of its forehead. It fell, shoving me knife deeper into it. Daryl was standing behind it, his crossbow aimed. He lowered it, storming towards me. He looked pissed.

"What the fuck? Why didn't ya kill it?" He demeaned, glaring at me with his ice blue eyes. This was the first time he spoke. He had a southern accent like his brother.

"I-I thought I did." I stuttered. "I stabbed it in the chest-"

"Ya don' do tha'! Ya have ta git it in the head, dumbass!" He snarled, anger flaring in his eyes. I looked down, tears starting to form again. No ones ever called me that. I wiped them away, but my shoulders shuddered.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, my voice thick with tears.

"Sorry ain't gonna do shit." He growled. Then he turned around, heading through the woods again. I stayed where I was. I didn't want to go with him anymore.

After a few moments, he came back. "Ya comin' 'er not?" He demanded. I shook my head, sniffing. I kept my head down, not wanting to see him. After about a minute, he sighed. "Let's go 'fore more come out." He grumbled, turning around again. I stared at my monster, who still had my knife embedded in it. Daryl glanced at me. "Wha's wrong now?" He demanded.

"My knife." I whispered, gesturing to the monster. Daryl grumbled something, before kneeling beside it, turning it over. I jumped back, terrified that it'd come to life and attack him. He grabbed the handle of my blade, pulling on it. With some struggle, he managed to yank it out. The blood covered blade glinted in the light. He wiped the blood off on the floor, before inspecting it.

"This is one hell of a knife." He mumbled. He looked up at me. "Where the hell did ya get this?"

"My great uncle gave it to me. It was my great grandfathers. He had it during World War Two." I mumbled.

He nodded and handed it back to me. Then he started into the woods again, this time, though, he slowed down so that he was always in my sight.

Eventually, we came across a white truck. In the bed, was a motorcycle.

"I'm not riding the motorcycle." I joked, attempting to make conversation. Daryl just glared at me, making the smile fade from my face. I looked down again. Daryl sighed, getting into the drivers side. I walked over to the passenger side, getting in.

He glanced at me after starting it. "Where to, Princess?" He asked.

"That way." I murmured, pointing ahead of us. We were on the dirt road that lead to the quarry. "Just follow the road." I said.

He grunted, then started forward, glancing around for monsters or people. We drove in silence for most of the time, until Daryl spoke.

"This group big?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the gravel road.

"Yeah. Kinda." I mumbled.

"How many people?" He glanced at me.

"Um, I don't know. I'd have to count. But there are kids." I said, looking at him.

"Huh." He grunted. "Anythin' else?"

"My dog." I stated. Why does he need to know this?

He grunted, and the drive was silent.

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