Chapter 14: Nitwit chefs

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"This has to be a dream, this has to be a dream, a very bad dream........." repeated Alex.

Not only had the kitty followed him to school, one of his classmates was now suddenly one of his teachers? And it had to be Rose of all people? Alex just felt depressed.

Making his way back to his classroom, Alex was shocked to see the kitty out of his school bag. Even worse, the kitty was in James's arms.

"What are you doing?! Get back in the bag quickly before everyone else comes here!" said Alex.

The kitty just stared at Alex and James snickered.

"Hey I bought you from that store, you listen to me!" said Alex with a sigh.

Unfortunately, the students soon came in and they all saw the kitty in James's arms. The girls were all over it and Alex just sighed again.

However, all that soon changed. The moment the kitty started looking at everyone, all the students felt like they were doing something wrong even though they weren't.

The feeling soon grew so big that every student wanted the kitty gone, it was giving them the most uncomfortable feeling ever. It's eyes were so lifeless too, everyone was extremely uncomfortable now.

Rose soon came into the classroom and she felt the tension in the air. She immediately noticed the kitty in James's arms and the kitty was looking at her too.

Ben and Jillian were the last ones to come in and they too noticed the kitty. Jillian was the first of the duo to know that something was definitely wrong with it, Ben meanwhile was just uncertain of what to say or do.

"So got yourself a cat?" asked Ben.

"I did........" said Alex with a sigh.

"So...........what's with the feeling of dread in the air?" asked Ben.

"I think you already know the answer" said Alex with yet another sigh.

"Then why the heck did you buy that kitty?! What were you thinking?! Did you even think at all?! It feels like a frickin voodoo curse has been placed on the entire room!" said Ben with his arms out.

"I felt bad for it ok?! It just looked at me with those eyes at the pet store and then James's words made me feel worse and lots of things happened after that alright?!" said Alex.

The kitty soon stared at Rose, it jumped out of James's arms and jumped onto Rose's new teacher's table. It just sat on the table, looked at her and gave Rose a single meow.

To everyone's surprise, Rose had cat treats on her and she gave some to the kitty. The kitty immediately ate the treats and it rubbed it's head against Rose's hand.

"Well, looks like the cat likes someone else other than me" said James with a snicker.

"Alex, may I have a word?" said Rose as she stepped outside.

Alex begrudgingly followed Rose out of the classroom door and she soon looked at him while shaking her head.

"Firstly, I'm sure you know that it's against the school rules to bring your pets to school unless it's been specially allowed" said Rose.

"It wasn't my choice either! I just noticed movement in my bag earlier when I sat down at my seat, I was then just as surprised as you were to see that my pet had followed me to school!" said Alex.

"So you're saying that you had no knowledge of the kitty following you to school?" asked Rose.

"Yes! I'm innocent here! Even James can testify, she literally heard me telling the kitty to stay at home and not cause trouble for my mom" said Alex.

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