Chapter 16: Showdown

Start from the beginning

"Mom is..." Pan began, unsure of what to say, hesitant of what to say, fortunately for her, Krillin stepped in to cover for her, a serious atmosphere suddenly took hold between the four warriors.

"Goku, there's something you need to know about 18..." he began, dreading what the reaction his best friend would give him, he couldn't lie about it, not to Goku of all people, he silently wished both master Roshi and Bulma was with him but he was alone and as his best friend, it was his duty "B-but It's not something I can tell you right now, you need to fight.."

"Wh-where's my mom?" asked a surprised Gohan, now equally as curious as his father, had something happened to her? now that he thought about it, it was weird that his mother wouldn't have come for him when Piccolo took him away, there had to be a reason, his mother loved him too much to leave him alone, she could be cold, silent and strict at times but one thing he did know was that she always loved him.

"Krillin" Goku began, his eyes narrowing, his heart skipped a beat and his demeanor changed to that of desperation, Gohan and Pan looked on as Goku questioned his best friend "What happened to 18? where is sh-"

A sudden blast was sent Goku's way, he zipped out of view carrying Krillin, Pan and Gohan altogether, Nappa's laughter echoed through the wasteland as he looked at Goku "So, you little punk? think you're a hotshot eh? showing up out of nowhere and then ignoring me?"

Goku glared at him, he was annoyed which wasn't something that Krilln, Pan or Gohan had seen on a regular basis, they hadn't seen such a expression at all, Goku's gaze slowly turned to Krillin as he slowly let go of them to float on the sky, "Head to master Roshi's house, I'll finish up here and meet you there, alright?"

"But dad!" Pan interjected "y-you can't fight them alone"

Goku just smiled sympathetically at her "Don't worry, Pan, I'll be fine" and then looked to Krillin who looked on at the conversation between them and before he could speak, Gohan tugged on the side of his gi prompting Goku to look to his younger child

"Dad...I don't wanna be alone again, please come back this time" he murmurmed, downtrodden, Goku placed his hand on Gohan's hair and ruffled it in affection "Hey, you're not alone, you got Pan with you but I'll come back this time alright?"

"A-alright.." Gohan nodded, with the assurance now done, Goku slowly looked to Krillin who stood in silence at their small conversation "Krillin, I'm counting on you"

"Got it, be careful, Goku, they're strong" Krillin told him, Goku simply nodded and then in an instant, rocketed down to the ground to meet his adversaries.

"Dad..." Pan murmured, in awe and insecurity, she didn't know what her father was thinking, she knew he was always the strongest but the power that Nappa had displayed had made her faith waver in her belief, could her father really beat them? there was an unknown source of confidence she could sense in Goku as he descended down to the battlefield, it had made her anxious and a sudden excitement had overtaken her.

"Pan, Gohan, you heard your father, let's go" Krillin commanded them, wanting to get them to safety as soon as possible, Goku had placed his trust in him to get his children to safety and he was dead set on seeing it come to fruition.

"No..." Pan whispered.


"Krillin, I wanna see..." Pan began, her look now set on her father's back, on the symbol that had engraved itself into her mind

"What are you talking about, Pan?" asked a surprised Gohan

"Don't you wanna see it too? Gohan?" Pan questioned him "it feels like dad is a whole new person, there's something really different about him.." she explained, her gaze set on her father, Krillin sighed, she knew when Pan wanted her way, she would get it no matter the obstacles, Krillin himself wanted to see how strong Goku had gotten, why was he so confident? it was a mystery to him.

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