Volume 1, chapter 1: Human school (1)

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A Yoan, a beautiful creature that always got humans attention, they seduce the human whenever they want, but it's on purpose to get something their want, such as, money, food, things or even power.

Now, The humans doesn't believe anymore in yoan or other creatures because their appearance has gone and forgotten, Once again, the human live peacefully and their normal way. but they didn't know, among them, Yoans live in their shadow.

However, The non human who live hidden from human develop a company for protecting them, as well as human who lives peacefully in City of VT.

The outside looks like a big normal companies but inside it is a training place and mission place to give for the non human who will do their job as Vtb. Beside of the protector, there has many type of humanoid, the old version will be called vocaloid and the new one will be called utaite.

Until now yoan still active in the nights but they are consider weak because their careless and their seductive power, and maybe in the future they will be gone forever, and we.. The Vtb doesn't need to protect that human creatures. Sigh.. Maybe after this... Finally.. I will be free from this war between yoan and non human..

My name is Kei Nagasawa, I have twin sis, her name is Vaia Nagasawa, my mom dead when we 7 years old, she exactly involved herself in this fight so-called war between yoan and the other creatures, and she died when completed her mission , now we only have dad to take care of us, but he's pretty busy with his work at his new company, 'MLS company' a Vtb company. Well, it's not only him who are busy with his work, we're busy too, just..

Busy with my first mission , catching the yoan in human school.. Bla bla bla.. and take them to dad's company, then complete the mission.. Full stop, sigh, why do I even agreed with this?


''where are the yoan! '' - Vaia Nagasawa

''sister, can you act like a normal student, and don't make me ashamed to have you as my sister.. DON'T CLIMB THAT WALL AND PEEK THE SCHOOL LIKE CRAZY GIRL!! " - Kei Nagasawa

I looked at my sister who was climbing the school wall with those school uniform and her backpack, peeking inside the private highschool in the City of VT. ' G highschool' an elite highschool of human, not many of them is non human, just about 2 percent of it.  I hope we will found the yoan quickly.

" Hey, Hey, kei-chan! Do human always go to their school this early ? If so, why I don't see any human ? " - Vaia asked me with her innocent face. As she asking a question.

And for your information we have one problem, here..

" .... It's.. " - Kei

We don't know the exact time does the human always go to school. Damn it.

" I don't know.. " - Kei

The situation got silent. I looked at my sister who was suddenly silent. What is she thinking?

' Kei-chan doesn't know the time of highschool, this is the time, I will proof him that I'm a big mature sister that can take care of him, fufufu maybe he will... ' - Vaia

( " Waaa!sister so cool! "-kei ) - in Vaia mind.


Vaia turn to kei and smile confidently and said " Don't worry about it, my young bro! This big sister of yours know the date of the human school! " Vaia pat kei shoulder while said those words confidently.

Yoan : The OriginalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin