Chuuya Nakahara x Reader

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This was requested by @Hisoka2008 . Thank you for your request!


*Sumire's POV*

"How...How could he just up and join the Port Mafia?!" 

"Shirasei, you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion..." I said, hoping to calm my fellow sheep member. "Chuuya would never do that to least not without a good reason."

"I don't know, Sumire...he looked pretty chummy with that guy from the Port..."

"What should we do?" Yuan asked softly as she nervously played with her bubblegum-colored hair.

"We kill him...before he sinks us along with him." Shirasei said after a moment of thought.

"What the actual fuck, Shirasei?! What is wrong with you?!" I shrieked, jumping up from my spot.

"He's our can't just kill him!" I added angrily.

"All those in favor of taking Chuuya out, raise your hands." Shirasei said and held up his hand.

Yuan followed suit and soon enough everyone but me had their hand up.

"It's decided..."

"I can't believe you much for family, huh..." I said softly and stormed out of the hideout.

'I have to get to Chuuya before the others do.' I thought and began heading towards the cliffs, where Chuuya often went to think. 


By the time I reached the top of the cliff, Shirasei was already there, talking to Chuuya.

Shirasei reached into his pocket and without thinking I threw myself in between the two boys.

Sharp, agonizing pain flooded my nervous system as the butterfly knife sunk into my gut instead of Chuuya's.

"Sumire? But why?!" Shirasei demanded before the others came out of hiding, with the G.S.S soldiers.

"It doesn't matter why I did it...I won't let you guys hurt him!" I shouted, mustering up the strength to stomp my right foot, causing a landslide that took Chuuya and I to the base of the cliff.

I could vaguely hear Chuuya scolding me for taking the knife in his place before losing consciousness altogether.


When I woke up, I found myself in what looked like an infirmary. I brushed my fingers against where I had been stabbed and felt gauze and other bandages

"You're awake!" 

I turned my head to the side to see Chuuya entering the room. His clothes looked fancy and the hat on his head added a sort of charm to him. 

I smiled sleepily and attempted to sit up but a jolt of pain caused me to fall back into the pillows.

"It takes more than a silly knife to keep me down..." I laughed as sweat beaded on my forehead.

Chuuya smiled slightly and grabbed a rag, dipping it in cold water before placing it on my forehead. 

"Yeah well that 'silly knife' was coated in rat almost died, Sumire. Why?"

"Chuuya...I would die a thousand times over if it meant you could live." I said softly.


A couple of days later I was given the okay to leave the Port Mafia's infirmary and the first thing I did was have Chuuya take me to see Mori Ogai, the Port's boss.

"I wish to join the Port Mafia." I declared. 

"What is your ability? Assuming you have one that is." He asked, curiously

"My ability allows me to manipulate earth. I can stomp my foot and create a nearly unbreakable barrier or I can make giant spikes." 

"Come and see me again later. I will have my answer for you then. In the meantime, however, you really should have Chuuya take you to get new clothes."

I looked down at my tattered and blood-soaked clothes before nodding and leaving.

Chuuya took me shopping just as Mori suggested and after trying on multiple outfits I fell in love with a black, leather, corset style top with matching high-waisted pants and clunky black lace-up heels. 

"I feel like a badass bitch!" I chirped as I stepped out of the dressing room and placed a pinstriped version of Chuuya's hat on my head.

He blinked a few times, his cheeks turning pink. "Y-You look like a badass..." He mumbled and hid his face with his hat.

"Is that the outfit you want?"

"Yes, please!"

Chuuya paid for my outfit and we returned to the Port Mafia base to get Mori's answer.


In the end, Mori accepted my request and I was placed on the same team as Chuuya and Dazai.

That was seven years ago.

After Dazai left I was given the position of Executive, alongside Chuuya.

Since today was one of the rare occasions when Chuuya and I both had a day off, we decided to spend it together. 

It was currently night time and the two of us were sitting on the roof with our backs together.

"You remember the day you woke up in the infirmary after getting stabbed by Shirasei?" Chuuya asked, breaking the silence.

"How could I forget? That was the worst pain I've ever experienced. Why do you ask?"

"Did you mean what you said to me?"

"That I would die a thousand times over if it meant you could live? Of course, I meant it." I answered as I turned to face him.

"Sumire...I have a confession to make. I love you." He said with the most serious look on his face.

"Wha...I...huh?! You l-love me? Why?"

"Because, dummy...You stayed by my side when the others turned on me. You even joined the Mafia with me even though it was an organization that we initially despised. You did everything for me. You DO everything...for me."

As Chuuya spoke he gradually got closer until our foreheads were touching. As I was trying to form words he brought his right hand up, cupping my cheek before his lips pressed against mine.

We stayed that way for what felt like ages before the need for air became too strong and we had to separate.

"I guess this makes me your girlfriend, now?"

"Damn right, it does."


I hope you guys liked it! 

I do apologize if any of the characters were OOC.

I also want to know if y'all think I should give the reader a new ability each update or just keep the earth bending ability.

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