Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Useless

Riddhima's pov:

The warmth of the fiery ball light outside my window states that it's already dawn. My eyes still close, taking in the faint but sweet notes of the birds at distant.

"Aahh..." I whisper hissed as I tossed on bed to my right, unintentionally putting my body weight on my arm. I jolt open my eyes as the 'bee like stinging' sensation trails in my veins. I sat up cautiously, setting my mind not to further hurt my already swollen arm. My eyes travel around the room; mum was already gone like always.

Slipping my slippers, I stood up and ambled towards the wardrobe. I looked at my reflection falling in the mirror before me and then to my already bandaged arm. Incidents from previous night flashes before my eyes. 

I remembered, when I limped to visit mum, she got hyperactive upon seeing me in that awful look and flooded me with loads of questions. She was energized to give me earful of lectures when I told her the happenings as she arranged the first aid kit and does the dressing of my injured arm.

Oh! At times, I think she just overreacts when the matter is about me. My lips curved into smile as I felt how lucky I was to have mum beside me, still taking care of a grown up me.





Taking the last glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was ready for the day. My heart rapids its speed unknowingly as I step outside the room to heed towards the kitchen. Till present I've got a fair idea about such possibility if my day is going to be favorable or.........Okay! But I wish I won't be colliding with Ishani.

I strolled towards the kitchen not before greeting everyone 'good morning' whoever comes across me. I stood abrupt on my place and pulled my brows inwards when I saw mistress in the kitchen. My tensed eyes wander around the other side, but failed to see mum. Where is she?

"Err....Riddhima....come inside. Why are you standing there like a statue?" the voice of the mistress withdraws my attention. She passes me with a smile when I met her eyes. I also passed a slight smile. 

"A..aunt have you seen mum? She always meets me here and don't mind if I ask what are you doing here?" I asked her politely. Her eyes concentrated the work she was doing ; squeezing the lemons in a glass. 

"Suman has gone to the hospital...." "What happened to mum?" I bustard with a question. My eyes bulge out as I feel my heart ascending. 

".....relax....calm down nothing has happened to your mum. Bani fainted while preparing the breakfast and your mom has accompanied her to the hospital. That's it" she assured me but I worry about Bani aunt. 

I remember she was all okay till yesterday and today all of a sudden I heard the awful news about her. I hope she gets well super-fast and along with her, mum also returns home from hospital.

"Riddhima...." I hear my name from the mistress. "....can you pass this lemon juice to Vansh? I just remembered I had to lend this parcel to Ajay" she asked, handing over the tray of lemon juice.


Why me? 

I looked around for someone for my rescue but I failed miserably. My heart quickens inside my ribcage. "I...I can hand over that parcel to Uncle.....if you don't mind?" I tried not to sound pleading her. 

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