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"That was the craziest thing I've ever experienced. What was- the fuckin' dude with the long hair and fucking gun? What was his deal? That was a fucking look, wasn't it?"

"Geez. Oh my god. And when old boy, he- when he took me to the back, I well, I for sure thought I was gonna, Ah fuck. And that lady let me just say, she is a fucking gangster." Rue rambled.

"Aye, why you actin' like that shit was fun, Rue? For real. You're pissin' me off." Fez finally shouted making her giggle.

"I'm, I'm just saying serious question. How many females drug dealers do you know?" Rue asked.

"Good ones?" Fez asked in defeat.

Isla lips turned upwards at the stubborn girl.

"One." Fez mumbled, looking at his female business partner through the mirror.


Harvey Finnegan had just moved here from Northern California with his mom after his parents divorce. The kid used to go to a private school, so this shit is for sure new for him.

Kind of a pussy if you ask me but, who knows.

Isla sat on top of the counter top talking to some kid who was practically begging for her to do molly with her when she noticed Jules walk in.


Quietly excusing herself the brunette pushed through the sea of people to search for Rue. Though she was quickly stopped when she tripped over a body.

Looking down Isla made eye contact with a very uncomfortable Rue.

"Shit dude, I was just looking for you. Jul-." Isla started but was quickly stopped by being pulled to the ground.

"I know Jules is here, come on." Rue said as she crawled away.

"I'm not gonna crawl, alright guess I'm crawling."

Though as soon as Isla got up she had lost Rue "Yo what the fuck."

Isla looked around the ground the see if she could find her, to no luck.

"Hey Isla have you seen Cassie?" Lexi asked.

Trying to pretend to be focused, Isla shook her head.

"Nah, sorry."

The Monroe girl gave up on trying to find Rue and settled on taking a shot.

Though as soon as it reached her lips it was knocked from her hands and spilt all over her.

"Oh shit, oh shit, I am so sorry. Fuck." A boy she didn't recognize said with a guilty look.

"It's cool, its cool." Isla responded wiping the liquor out of her eyes.

"Shit that kinda burns."

"Here let me just, can you see? I'm so fucking sorry."

"Yeah, no not really." Isla responded.

"Alright, uhh there's gotta be a bathroom somewhere around here." The new boy said grabbing her hand.

She blindly stumbled behind as he lead her to a back room.

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