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Isla Monroe... now she wasn't blood related to the O'Neils but that didn't mean they weren't family, Anytime I had ever been to Fez's, she was there. The whole town kind of knew about her upbringing, much to her dismay.

Her mom had died when she was young, some illness. Her dad had gone to jail for good. There had always been rumors about why, things like murder, or ruling the mafia, but no one truly knew. All we knew is that he had a long enough sentence "to keep him rotting" as Isla would say.

So it was just her and her brother Angel. Now Angel could be a real dick which is ironic given his name, but you didn't have to meet him to know he was a piece of shit.

In the fifth grade Isla came to school with a black eye and a busted lip, she told everyone it was from a lacrosse ball but im sure you can assume what actually happened. Unfortunately that was just the start of things.

I'm not quite sure how the O'Neil siblings met Isla but since then, I've never seen her anywhere else.

"First off, fuck your bitch and the click you claim, Westside when we ride come equipped with game." Rue sang from the back seat pushing a very annoyed Islas shoulders.

"Yo, can you tell her to shut the fuck up." Ashtray said from the passenger seat.

Fez made eye contact with the two girls through the mirror "Yeah, Rue, you gotta chill out back there for real, We gotta handle some serious business right now, so."

Stretching her arms behind her head Rue nodded "Yeah I can just stay back here. It's real comfy." She said.

Fez pulled up towards the apartments gates to be greeted by a couple.

One of which Ashtray hit over the head with a hammer a few days ago.

Fez unlocked his door with narrowed eyes "Who the fuck is this bitch?" He said referring to the blonde woman.

Ashtray looked over at Isla and rolled his eyes. The girl simply handed him a gun and patted his back as she stepped out of the car.

"Who the fuck is this, man?" Fezco asked Custer.

"Hi, I'm Faye." The girl in question said with a wave.

Isla gave Faye a non genuine smile and side eyed Fez "What is she doin' here?"

"Nah, nah bro that's my fuckin' girl." He responded

The brunette girl leaned against the side of the car waiting for Fez to signal her and Ashtray inside.

Sticking his head inside the window Fezco looked at Rue "Ten, twenty minutes tops alright? Y'all please just stay in the car. No fuckin' funny business. Let's go." He said nodding to his little brother at the last part.

Isla ran her fingers through her hair silently praying for their to be a good outcome to this.


Isla was stood straight against the wall as Rue and Faye were dragged in by their throats.

Who was she kidding, her prayers were never answered.

Rue was slammed right next to Isla making her flinch "The fuck is you doin' here?" He asked her.

A bald man made his rounds with staring into each of their eyes before circling over the Custer and slamming his broken face into the wall.

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