Chapter 2 - Henry

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"What do you mean Megan broke her leg? Is she okay?" I ask coming to a stop outside my door, Kal looking up at me.

"Yeah she's fine, well she has a broken leg so not fine but you know what I mean." Freya says on the other end of the phone.

Well that was a relief, at least partly. I liked Megan and I hated that she'd got hurt. I'd only torn my hamstring when we'd been filming last season and the recovery had been such a hassle. If she'd actually broken her leg there was no telling how long we'd have to push filming back this time.

"Does she need anything? How long are we postponing?"

"We're not postponing, she called a friend of hers and she's agreed to take Megan's place. They met with Sophie and the others yesterday so we're good to go. As far as needing anything I don't think so, she didn't say she did when we spoke."

"So they just hired someone else?" I ask my concern for Megan getting overridden by annoyance that they'd just hire someone else.

Megan had read the books, she knew at least some what was supposed to be going on and how it all fit together. Just because this girl was a friend of Megan's doesn't mean she knows what she's getting into. Sure most of the cast weren't as... knowledgeable about The Witcher as I am but Megan was a close second, it'd been nice to share that excitement with someone for a change.

"Yeah, I'm so glad we're not postponing filming. The fans have waited long enough for the next part and I'm excited to get started."

"Does she know anything about the storyline? Hell does she even fit the part? I wish I'd known."

I finally push the door open and unleash Kal. I slam the leash a bit too hard on the table and have to take a breath to collect myself. I knew I didn't really have a say in who they hired but they usually at least asked my thoughts.

"Calm down, it'll be fine. You know Lauren wouldn't just give the part to someone if they wouldn't fit the bill. Besides, from what Ducky said she's almost Megan's twin. Stop worrying so much. How's Natalie? Is she going to get to come in?"

The mention of Natalie makes every drop of annoyance evaporate and I know there was a huge smile on my face. It'd felt like I'd never find someone I could be with long term but Natalie was proving me wrong. Sure we didn't see each other all that much but we made it work and I was the happiest I'd been in a long time.

"No, she's gonna have to start work on her next movie right away but she's hoping to get a long weekend to come out at some point soon. She's looking forward to meeting all of you guys."

"I'm sure you'll be happy to see her. Oh I almost forgot, Ducky said Megan was talking the new girl to the stables to meet Hercules after lunch today before they load them up to head to the first location if you want to get a sneak peak of her. I was going to go but I have my final fitting with Wardrobe. If you do go I wanna hear what you think."

I glance down at my watch and nod. I could make that, I have nothing planned for the rest of the day except making sure I have everything packed and that wouldn't take long.

"I'll let you know what I think." I promise.

"Just be nice if you do talk to her. Just because she agreed doesn't mean she can't change her mind and I want to start filming."

"I'm always nice."

"True but there's supportive nice and there's intimidating nice. Please don't scare her off."

"I'll be on my best behavior." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

It didn't take me long to get showered, changed and on my way to the stables where our horses were being held. My annoyance with the executives had continued to grow all the while despite my best effort to wait until I met the woman myself so by the time Kal and I arrived at the stables I knew I looked as grumpy as I felt.

Something to Talk About - A Henry Cavill FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now