part 4

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It was now one week later. Lili and Cole were slowly getting used to being parents, and the Kids were slowly getting used to them being their parents. Cole and Lili were really happy with how the Kids were doing. They looked relaxed and were starting to talk more and more to them. The only one that hadn't opened up one bit was Maeve. She was still really quiet and wasnt downstairs often. The orphange had warned them for this behavior from her, she has always had problems with adjusting to New situations.

Today was another big day for the Kids. They would go to school for the first time today! They were all really excited to go to school, except for Maeve.

"Are you all excited for your first day of school?!" Lili asked the childeren while they were having breakfast together.

"Yes, I am!"
"Me too!"
"Kinda" the twins Answerd in unison

"Okay, thats great to hear! As you know, Cole and I are also going back to work today. We have arranged that we can pick you up after school and then we'll bring you to our set." Lili explained to the Kids

"Yes and we'll Just show you around because it is likely that your gonna spend a lot of time there, esspecially the little ones."

"Okay Daddy, can I go play now? I'm done with breakfast"

"Off - off course Ella, go play. We'll come get you when we have to leave for school!"

"Did she Just called you daddy?! Omg this is huge! Congratulations Cole!" Lili told her boyfriend while giving him a peck on his lips, earning weird faces from the girls accros the table. "What, it is not like you have never seen people Kiss before, or us for that matter"

"Not this early"

"Shut up Lynn, now go get your backbag, we have to leave for school." Lili told Lynn while she kissed the top of her head

fifteen minutes later and everyone was in the car, ready for their first day of school. They brought Maeve and Lynn first and then Kayleigh and Max. Ella wasnt going to school yet, so Cole and Lili decided to bring her to set with them.

"Okay Ella we're almost there. We need you to listen very good to the adults around you, can you do that?"


"Great, do you see that building there? That is a set, what means that we have arrived".Lili told the three-year-old in the back of the car.

Cole walked on to the sets holding the little girls hand. Earning some funny faces from some crew members. They hadnt told all the People Who worked on the set that they adopted a child, let alone five.
When they walked into the make-up trailer, it went immediately quiet. Everyone was in awe with the little girl that was brought into the room.

"Guys, we would like you to meet Ella, our youngest daughter." Cole said proudly

"She is so cute! How old is she?" Vanessa asked the couple.

"Ella is three-years-old! She and your son Will be kinda close in age, maybe they Will become boy- and girlfriend someday"

"Cole, slowdown man! Baby boy is not even born yet" Vanessa laughed "so where are the other childeren, I thought you adopted more than one?"

"True, we adopted five childeren. Their at school now, you Will meet them at the end of the day though" Cole explained to his costars

Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa were all over the little girl. They played with her while Cole and Lili were getting ready. Ella really enjoyed it, she was constantly giggeling and smilling. Cole and Lili were Watching Ella play, when Lili heard her Phone buzz.

"Sorry, I have to take this" Lili excused herself while she looked who was calling her. It was Maeve and Lynn's school.

" hi. Yes this is she. Oh really. Okay, i'll come pick her up if thats okay? Yes? Alright I'll be there in about 10 minutes. Thanks for calling, goodbye!"

"Who was that?" Cole asked worried

"Maeve already had five panic attacks in the last three houres, they said it is best to take her home and to a therapist"

"Shit, are you gonna pick her up or should I? Roberto would understand this right?"

"I'll pick her up, you have a scene comming up. I'm not bringing her to a therapist straight away, I wanna know what she wants first"

"Yes, smart. Let me know how it goes!"

Lili walks in to Lynn and Maeve's school. A lot of girls were freaking out about the fact that Lili Reinhart was in their school. But Lili didn't care, she Just wanted her daughter to be okay. She walked into the principal office to see a crying Maeve. She Practically ran into Lili's arms something she has never done before

"Maevey, whats going on sweetie? Shh, your okay. I promise"

"You can take her home, we can try again tomorrow and if she is not willing to try again, we have to look at other options. I would appreciate it if you and your husband would look into it." The principal told Lili.

"Yes, we will. Come on Maeve were going home"

Lili walked out of the school with Maeve. She immediately took Lili's hand after they had left the schools property. Lili decided to wait with the questions till their home and to Just drive to set, because set would probably be crazy for her too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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