"Sophie wait lets talk about this." Y/n was out of breath when she finally made it up the porch steps.

I swung open the front door and Y/n stumbled in after me, closing it behind me.

"Sophie." She whisper yelled this time and I turned around with a slight frown on my face.

"What! What do you want." I whisper yelled back and ignored the look of hurt that flashed across her face before she playfully rolled her eyes.

"I was just going to say remember to take off your shoes and your jacket." She spoke as she kicked her shoes off and slid her jacket on the old coat rack next to Alex's.

I sighed and took them both off before heading up the stairs. I ignored the sound of Y/n's footsteps marching up the stairs behind me but immedietly froze and turned around.

"What?" Y/n frowned a little when she saw my facial expression.

"Stop looking at me like I killed her-"

"Shhh." I hissed at her and she was quiet.

"Yeah you like that?"

I heard Alex's voice again traveling down the hallway and for a moment my blood boiled.

Was he...?

"What is that?" Y/n hissed

"I..i don't know." We walked up the stairs quietly and the more noises I heard the more angrier I got.

"You wish you could have this." Alex spoke in a low seductive tone and we were right outside his door now. "I'd be all ...up ...inside you." Alex muttered so low I could barley hear him.

Who the fuck was he talking to?

"Sophie don't-"

Y/n grabbed my arm when I reached for the door knob and I glared at her.

"You want some random bitch touching da-"I cleared my thoat and rolled my eyes.

"Touching Alex?" Y/n asked and I nodded

"Thats what I said isn't it?"

Y/n looked momentarily confused before quickly nodding.


"Good girl." I smiled and playfully pat her head before frowning again.

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