Bonus Chapter I : Sylvie's Past

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(This Chapter IS canon to the main plot of Goddess, but it does not concern the Y/N we currently follow in the story, but one of her variants)

3rd Person POV

Y/N had been taken in by the Asgardian royal family not too long ago, and she was getting along quite well with Loki, or as she would rather be called, Sylvie.

Y/N and Sylvie sat on the floor as they played with little toy boats. Sylvie held a small doll dressed like a king in her hand and looked at it.

"One day, I'll be Queen of Asgard" She declared as she crushed the toy in her hand.

"What about Thor ?" Y/N asked the girl in front of her with a laugh.

"I'll find a way" Sylvie said, jokingly.

They heard a noise coming from behind them. An orange portal had opened. It didn't look like any magic they knew.

Three men dressed in strange uniforms walked towards the little girls. They grabbed Sylvie and began dragging her towards the portal. She tried to get out of their grip, but she was far too weak.

Y/N was in a state of shock. She grabbed Sylvie's arm as a way to keep her away from the attackers, but she was also dragged to the other side of the portal.

She looked at the room she was now in. It looked like a Midgardian office.

One of the agents sighed and grabbed the two girls. They were dragged into a courtroom where a woman looked down upon them.

Before they could even say a word, the judge declared them guilty of something they couldn't comprehend.

Sylvie grabbed Y/N's arm and ran towards a guard. She kicked him and took a small device that was in his pocket.

She didn't look at the button she pressed on the TemPad. She opened a portal and walked trough.

She closed the portal and broke down in tears.

"How is this happening ? What do we do now ? I don't even know where we are. Can Heimdall retrieve us here ?" She said with tears streaming down her face.

Y/N looked at her friend with a saddened look. She sighed and wrapped her arms around Sylvie in a hug.

"W-We'll figure out what to do... together. It's you and me against the world now. We're on our own and we only have each other" Y/N said as she looked at their surroundings.


Hundreds of years later
(During an Apocalypse)

"The TVA will be here soon" Sylvie said as she looked at her girlfriend.

"We'll need to be fast than"

Sylvie and Y/N grabbed their small bags of belongings and began running as the people of the planet they were on began killing each other.

Sylvie grabbed Y/N's hand and began running as she had done all those years ago to save her.

The people of the planet had noticed the two lovers running in the direction opposite to them. They became angrier and decided to run after the two girls.

Y/N looked back worried. The people in this apocalypse had all gone mad and were ready to murder anyone who crossed their path.

Y/N stopped running. Sylvie slowed down and looked at Y/N. 

"We don't have time to stop darling" Sylvie said.

"One of us needs to stay back. They're catching up quickly. I'll cause a distraction and you'll run away" Y/N explained.

"What ? No ! I can never leave you. You know that..." Sylvie said as she held both of Y/N's hands.

"I have to if I want you to bring down the TVA" Y/N said as she put her right hand on Sylvie's cheek.

Sylvie began crying.

"I'll go. Or we can do it together" Sylvie said as she began to panic.

"I need to do this" Y/N said as she pressed her forehead against Sylvie's.

"I love you" Sylvie said as she cried.

Y/N pulled her face close, for one, final, meaningful kiss. Sylvie kept on crying. The person she loved the most in the entire multiverse was about to sacrifice herself to save her.

"I love you too" Y/N said as their lips parted.

She had a single tear on her face. Sylvie smiled at her girlfriend before she ran away towards the crowd.

Y/N conjured two daggers and began slicing her opponents in half. She tried using her powers, but there were too many people surrounding her.

Sylvie ran away.

She looked back once, and when she did, she saw her soulmate being stabbed multiple time, on different parts of her body.

Y/N looked back at Sylvie and smiled before she fell to the ground.

Sylvie held in her tears and ran away. She opened a portal and left.

Published : 10-04-22
Number of Words : 820
Edited : 26-06-22

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