Chapter 6

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"Gotcha!" I uttered when I found the song I was looking for.

I went to the cassette player to play the tape, and the instrumental started.

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"One-way ticket! One-way ticket! One-way ticket! One-way ticket to the blueeees.. oooh!"

I enjoyed singing along to the song with my right arm hanging in the air, not minding other people's reactions. Why should I be ashamed? I'm good at singing.

I remembered. We're teasing Lisa that she sounds like a broken CD, but the truth is she's good at it. She's amazing at whatever she does, but sometimes... she's just really stupid.

I'm currently here at an old cassette shop to try out some good music that was developed in the past. We're really fond of vintage things, but mostly it's Lisa. Well, who wouldn't appreciate the beautiful works back then, right?

Anyway, I believe this stupid Lisa didn't introduce me properly even herself. What kind of monkey is she!

By the way, I'm Kim Jisoo, I love chicken, I like Rosé, and I'm okay.

So Lisa and I have been friends since kindergarten, along with Kang Seulgi. They call us "Three Idiots" because we are inseparable. We always do stupid things together. Well, who else is the mastermind? Of course, it's me. Keke.

We knew each other very well, even with the backs of our hands. Our problems, foolishness, stupidity, and our first heartbreak in life Even our first menstruation We even compete over who has the darkest blood.

Anyway, that's gross; let's move on.

Seulgi was the quietest and most responsible of the three of us. She took good care of us, as if she were the oldest. But don't worry, she's stupid like us. She even tasted poop when we were still kids because, according to her, poop looks like melted chocolate.

Lisa is our youngest. She was really the chick magnet, even when we were still students. But she's not entertaining anyone after her crush in kindergarten rejected her. She believes that if the right one for her comes, then welcome!

How stupid is that, right?

But honestly, Lisa is the most reliable person we've ever met. She is the youngest, but she is the strongest among us. She is our protector. She is very good at everything. Her future partner will be forever grateful to have Lisa in her life. I'm telling you.

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