Baby Just Dance 5

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Ok sorry for the short chapter last time, but this one should be really good an long. It also is going to be in Jakes POV. It might be a little weird because we don't know what goes on inside a guys head. Enjoy though! :D

Chapter 5- Jake/Corinne.

Jakes POV

So I couldn't help it, I could get that red head who fell on me out of my mind. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. So I decided to do what any sensible guy would do. Before heading out of my apartment I grabbed my dads bird watching binoculars and headed out the door. I mean what else was I supposed to do? I think I even remember where her apartment building is. I was about to go treasure hunting. Lucky me I thought.

Once I arrived I started to have second thoughts, then decided to ignor them. I smiled when I saw the big oak tree that went up to the third floor. Perfect! But I had a problem, I didn't know which apartment was hers. I stood just standing looking up at the building for awhile, then I saw it, her red hair. I looked at the tree and then back at the window. It had to be hers there was a bright pink bra visible from the window. So I started climbing ( which by the way is not as easy as it seems ) it was hard climbing up the side of the old scraggly oak tree.

I sat on a branch right outside her window. A door had just closed and a shower turned on. I smiled thinking of when she'd come out. I sat there on the branch and started to look around the room. Something didn't seem right it wasn't like a normal girls room. It had old photos of military men, and glued together puzzles of kitten playing with yarn hanging on the wall. Wow she must not have a lot of friends. But she didn't have to worry now cause I was here to her rescue. Soon she'd have tons of friends.

Suddenly the shower turned off and I got excited. The door slowly opened. Again something didn't seem right. The figures shadow had a curly boys cut, and I swear Red had long hair. Then something horrible happened that no one should ever have to suffer. It came out from behind the door. A little old lady in a small, small towel. I wanted to scrape my eyeballs out with spoons! And take out the part of my brain that had the image stored, no scared for life. Then just like in a horror movie when the monster slowly turns it's head around to face the fearful victim, she slowly turned her gray head to look at me.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING ON THAT TREE?!?!" Red said from one window over. And just as I was about to explain myself the brachial started to move, and I started to slip. And there I fell to the earth. And landed on the grass (thankfully not cement) then I saw Reds face above me. Her green eyes looking at me with fear. "Are you ok?" was the last thing I heard before everything went black and I passed out. Sissy I know right.


I woke up to the sounds of beeping machines in a hospital, and Red playing with my hair. Fear was still in her eyes. Than she saw that I was awake and looked happy. I knew at that moment I had died and gone to heaven. "You must be my guardian angel. " I said she just gave me a weird look. "So this is what heaven looks like Red?"

"What my names not Red it's Corrrrrr......" then I passed out again.


When I woke up again I didn't wake up to Red, but to a middle-aged doctor who looked very professional, and very stressed. He told me that I was an idiot, and the luckily hadn't really injured myself. I was surprised but happy.

"Wait, where's Red!"I asked

"She's in the waiting room." He replied


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2011 ⏰

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