Her hand was still limply tangled in my hair, twitching faintly. We stayed that way for a long time. I couldn't bring myself to pull away, and she apparently couldn't summon the energy to move at all.

After several long moments, I opened my eyes, looking up at her only to meet her green eyes staring back at me.

She looked steadily down at me, her eyes wide and slightly glazed, obviously still dazed by an orgasm of that magnitude.

Our eyes stayed locked for a long moment, and when my mouth moved, it was to apologize, or yell, or ask her just to move her legs, or something – I'm still not sure. It didn't end up mattering. The instant my mouth moved against her, she moaned softly, her eyes staring down into mine widening even more.

I felt my own eyes hood as my desire for her returned with a force that actually shocked me – I had never had a chance to pleasure her while looking into those incredible eyes.

"Mila," she whispered, starting to say something.

No, I thought, that's not my name...not the way I wanted to hear it from her. My lips kissed her pussy with soft, deep warmth, and I breathed her in, not licking, just feeling her, my lips sliding over her slit with the softest of caresses.

She gasped, and her eyes tried to flutter closed, but my fingers suddenly dug into her firm buttocks, causing her eyes to fly open again with surprise. All of my emotion – the remnants of my anger, my lust, my desire, and other feelings I still shied away from – blazed from my eyes into hers, as I mentally begged her to keep her eyes open, to let me look into them. My lips caressed her again, and kept moving, continuously stroking and nibbling and lightly sucking her outer, then inner, lips.

She hissed in a soft breath, her eyes so big. There was a strange light in her eyes as well as we stared each other down. The depth of emotion in her eyes startled me, though they were not emotions I could identify. I did not dare to hope.

I gave her one gentle, curious, tentative lick, a light smooth lick with the flat of my tongue, dragging her outer lips along and wiggling ever so slightly to stimulate her.

She let out a long, sighing moan, and relaxed, her fingers tightening in my hair. "Don't stop," she whispered, not looking away.

And so, with our eyes locked together, I began again. My lips stroked and tasted, my tongue slowly, lingeringly explored.

"Camz," she breathed, staring into my eyes, unable to look away now.

My own arousal spiked at her use of my name, and my fingers slid higher into the small of her back, warm, smooth and slightly damp from the exertion of her earlier writhing. My fingertips massaged, and she relaxed, sinking even lower in her chair as her legs slid further over my shoulders, tightening to pull me into her. As her shoulders met the seat of her chair her other hand joined the first in my hair, not tugging but just holding my soft locks.

I shuddered, slurping softly at her, watching her lovely eyes and wishing that this moment would never end.

"Ah...mm..." She whimpered.

I gave another slow lick, and she whimpered again, those brilliant green eyes as round as they could go. My hands slid still higher up her back, massaging her spine. She continued to relax, whimpering and sighing now with every movement of my mouth. Her hips began to rock ever so slightly, sliding her wet, slippery pussy against my mouth.

I began to devour her in earnest, my tongue moving constantly, my lips spreading her open for access. The way she was laying back in her chair was resting more and more of her weight on me, and it forced me to sit back on her floor, stretching my legs out as I held her up against my mouth. The rocking was doing something else as well, though – I was being tantalized by the movement of my legs, rocking along with her body, and my panties tugging and pulling at my already well-lubricated pussy. I whimpered in my own pleasure, but held back my instinct to rock my hips more deliberately.

It wasn't easy – her wet pussy was as delicious as ever, and staring into her eyes while hearing her moans and whimpers of open pleasure, feeling her soft hips pushing against me and her warm thighs trembling on my shoulders – it was all I could do not to start moaning right along with her. I had always been careful about that – I had always known instinctively that there was a line somewhere, and if I crossed it, all this could end.

I managed to put that out of my mind – though the sensations were still there – and concentrated on her, boring my gaze into her while I took my time bringing her to ecstasy. I easily used the rest of the hour, and could have just as easily taken longer. I don't think she would have objected, either, neither of us seemed to blink the entire time, her eyes locked helplessly on mine as I took her body as high as I could, building her up, tantalizing her, until she simply could not hold back any longer.

"Ah! Camila...Camz Ahhhahhhhh!" Lauren cried out, long and high as my sucking, licking mouth sent her over the edge, and her head arched back, our gaze finally breaking as she was swept under by an intense orgasm. Her hips quivered throughout, and my mouth was filled by her nectar as I carried her all the way through, until she relaxed with a shuddering moan, and her hands fell from my hair to dangle limply beside her.

I shuddered on my own as she relaxed – it had taken all my effort not to join her in orgasm. I realized belatedly that I couldn't move – if I let her hips go, she would fall off her chair. I waited until she shook herself, summoning enough energy to pull herself back up onto her chair by the elbows. Eventually, I was able to sit back, my legs still too rubbery to hold me up. She seemed shaky as well, and now, neither of us could meet the other's eyes.

I glanced up at the clock on her desk, and blinked, flushing slightly. "Um...your meeting's in just a few minutes. I'll let them know you're on your way...I'll just leave you to, um, straighten up." I staggered to my feet, not waiting for her response, and half-stumbled back out to my desk.

The BossNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ