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New book alert!!! And it's a Tony one... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Anyway, here is the prologue, it's kinda short but I did write it in like ten mins sooooooo. Enjoy xoxoox 4

"Special Agent Silver, it's great to finally meet you." YN smiled professionally as the blonde greeted her, a firm handshake being placed in her hand.

"Agent Carter, thank you for agreeing to meet." Sharon nodded her head, falling into step beside the newcomer. "I'm sorry about the late notice, I wasn't given much time to organize this."

"Not a worry at all, we are aware of what our contribution toward the events in New York would mean for us. We are just happy to cooperate as much as possible." YN sighed a breath of relief at the kind woman's words, the agent afraid she'd be fighting against a brick wall the second she stepped into S.H.I.E.L.D's walls.

"I'm really glad to hear that, Agent Carter." YN said sincerely, sending the blonde woman a genuine smile. "Now, tell me. Is there anything I should expect with my meeting with Director Fury, today?" Sharon grimaced, her nose crinkling and making YN fight back a small chuckle. "That is not a good sign, I would suppose?"

"He is very protective over our organization, and I'm afraid he has brought some... friends with him." YN frowned, her eyebrows pulling low on her face.

"Friends?" Sharon winced, not responding as she pushed open Director Fury's door, leading the two women into his office. YN realized what Sharon had meant when she met a room full of curious, defensive eyes.

"Director Fury, this is Special Agent Silver, she's here-"

"To stick her nose in where it's not wanted, Agent Carter, believe me; I am aware." YN's back straightened at the hostile attitude and her head cocked slightly, staring into the one available eye of Director Fury.

"Nicholas J Fury," she started, lowering her gaze to the file in her hand. "World-renowned spy, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and founder of the Avengers. You began your career within the United States Army in the 60s, rising to the rank of Colonel before an honorable discharge, am I correct?" Fury lifted his nose, crossing his arms defiantly. "Just stop me if I'm wrong." YN smiled sarcastically. "Later becoming a CIA operative during the Cold War, primarily operating in Soviet territory."

"We don't need a history lesson, Agent Silver-"

"Further onto that, you were to join S.H.I.E.L.D, to fight against Earth's more dangerous enemies. Tell me, Director Fury, were those dangerous enemies even a threat before you started to tamper with things that did not belong to you?" The room was silent as YN snapped her file shut, her mouth pulling up into a cocky smirk. She turned to the rest of the occupants, sitting her file onto the table slowly. "Good morning, everyone, my name is Special Agent Silver, I am with the FBI, and we have started an investigation into S.H.I.E.L.D's motives, background and ethical behavior."

"Ethical behavior?" A voice spoke up, one YN recognized as Captain Rogers. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, Captain Rogers, we believe there are some things that S.H.I.E.L.D are not disclosing to the American Government, of which would be a breach of their signings, if we are correct. This information we believe is directly linked to the events in New York just a few months ago, as well as some high-profile assassinations within the last few decades."

"Please, S.H.I.E.L.D don't hire assassins." Someone scoffed, YN's eyes flicking to hostile brown, the man known as Tony Stark leaning in his chair, a relaxed smirk on his features.

"Are there not two highly trained assassins sitting in the room with us right now?" The room fell silent as YN waited for a response, the two mentioned Avengers sharing a distasteful look. "Look, I'm sorry, this is not a job I took on lightly, and I am aware that you would all be apprehensive about being investigated-"

"Wait, we're being investigated too?" The Black Widow piped up, shifting in her seat. "Why?"

"You are what makes SH.I.E.L.D what it is. The Avengers are as much S.H.I.E.L.D as Director Fury or Agent Carter here." YN sent Sharon a friendly smile, receiving one back, much to her delight. "We are not going to ruffle up old charges, Miss. Romanoff. Yourself and the rest of the team are only being investigated due to your relations with SH.I.E.L.D." Natasha nodded, and YN's trained eye could see her shoulders sag in slight relief. "Now, in saying that, if there is anything you believe would aid my investigation, any information you've learnt that is unethical or lies you've uncovered during your time here, please come to me, even if you have a question regarding the investigation itself, we are an open book. However, everything I learn will remain completely anonymous."

"You expect them to help you?" Fury huffed, a small humorless laugh leaving his mouth. YN shrugged, sliding her hand under her file and holding it to her chest. She moved to the door, nodding to Sharon to walk her out.

"You never know what someone will spill when they find out the truth, Director Fury. For now, that will be all. I will be meeting with each of you shortly. I hope you all have the day you deserve." YN nodded to the group, following Sharon from the room.

"Do you think you'll find anything?" Sharon asked, her hands placed behind her back as YN stood at the entrance to the compound. YN could tell the woman was anxious, her eye not meeting YN's as she tried to calm the woman nerves.

"For the sake of everyone here, and for the sake of their jobs, I really hope not." Sharon nodded, licking her lips. "But, Agent Carter," YN started, placing a hand on Sharon's elbow. "If there is anything I need to know, I will find out, one way or another. So, if you know something, or know someone who does know something, I would advise you to let me know, because you don't want to be on the receiving side of the law, and not S.H.I.E.L.D's law, but my law." Sharon nodded again, finally meeting YN's eyes with a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Agent Silver, I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you." YN nodded, straightening her posture and pushing the door open.

"That you will, Agent Carter." 

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