Chapter 22 - Love issues

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah I'm ok I'm sorry if I uh looked bothered just listening closely that's all"

You could tell he was lying and he rubbed the back of his head

"Alright well I gatta tell Freddy I'll be-"

You was about to touch your watch and Bonnie grabs your wrist gently and your other hand and gently moves you hand with the watch on it down

"Um I already told him we was uh hanging out right now so don't worrie about telling him" Bonnie told ya

You was confused and he didn't let go untill your arm was fully away from the other

"Hehe Alright weirdo" you said

You both chuckled a bit but he had more of the nervous chuckle

"Well I'm not that weird" he said

"Uh yeah you are you been acting jealous every time I say something about the others or something" you said

"Uh- ... Noo no no I'm not jealous I just..missed our old things that's all" he said

He gently grabs your hand and he gently kisses your hand

You felt flattered but..not as crazy as when Freddy did it to you but it felt weird to you

You slowly moved your hand away from his and he looked a bit surprised and he looks at you

You did a nervous smile

'maybe he's just trying to be nice and act like old times gatta get used to it again besides he's a gentleman anyways so maybe he just want some alone time since he's been along for a good long while maybe I'm taking this the wrong way'

"Yeah me too" you said

~Freddy pov~

I was waiting for y/n but she never came she said she would hang out tonight before night shift

I decided to see what was up

I saw her location and she was with Bonnie?

'why didn't she tell me anything?...'

"Hey Freddy you good?" Monty asked

"Oh yeah I'm good don't worrie" I told him with a little smile

"But you looked like if you was in deep thought so something's up"

I sighed

"It's just y/n didn't come in my room like she said and didn't tell me she was gonna be with Bonnie for tonight and he didnt tell me he was just gatta take her" I told him

"Oh- uh...maybe we should go check on them the"

I sighed again but I felt..mad and jealous

I tried to be calm maybe they just needed to talk or something

We left to where they where at tho I still wasn't happy but I just kept calm and try not overreact

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