
835 11 16

*Warning smut*

Sean pov

I woke up with jake next to me i must of fell asleep "oh hey sean" he looked me "you fell asleep so i just grabbed a blanket and turned on a movie" he laughed i noded laying back down on his lap after a few minutes i yawned and sat back up "what time is it?" I asked jake

"Its around 12:00 pm" he tells me i got up and got water i sat back down still tired i drank my water i sat down my cup and started to watch whatever jake put on "your cute when your tired" he laughed at me i blushed and looked at him

"Your an idiot" he laughed "thought id get a better reacti-" i sat on his lap to tease him "i-this-" he was red as hell and i started laughing hysterically i looked at him and kissed him i sticked my tongue out at him teasing him again he bit my tongue. My eyes widdened as he giggled a few seconds later he relized what he was doing and became red

He let go and started apologizing "sorry! Sorry! I wasnt thinking" i laugh "its fine i dont mind" i told him i we calmed down for a minute of joking around i pulled him into a kiss he pulled hands up from my wast to my head pushing me deeper into the kiss
We started making out he slowly put his hands up my shirt i pull back "hey its ok you dont have to" he smiles i kissed him "i want to you just- it was just sudden" he nodded and put his hands up my shirt again and continued kissing me

He soon went to my neck kissing it and leaving small hickeys "Mhmm~" i can feel him smiling when leaving more hickeys he went back up to my mouth and kissed me slowly pulling off my shirt and kissed my chest

"What do you want me to do?" Jake asked me "i- uhh- i don't know" i giggled "alright please yourself use my body for what you want i don't have many Boundaries about this except for a few kinks i don't like" he smiled at me

"Can you uh.. You know- I've never had it done-" he nodded as i got off his lap he got onto the floor and took off my pants and boxers he looked up at me as he kissed my dick "m-more~" he smiled and opened his mouth and slowly started to Bob his head "mhm~ mhm~" i moaned

he soon started to go faster as i moaned to his rhythm he lifted his head and used his hand instead so he could lean up and kiss me we made out and he pumped me he stoped and sat on the couch

I climbed on top of him and kissed him again "do you want to do more?" Jake asked me "fuck ya!~" i quickly responded "only if your ok with it" i finished my sentence he noded "lift up or get off me quickly" he said and i sat next to him on the couch

He undressed completely and sat back down "do you wanna ride?" He joked i climbed on him and slowly alined myself i breathed heavily in and slowly lowered myself with jakes help once i got it all in i get go of the breath

"Are you ok?" Jake asked me i nodded in pain and some tears forming in the corner of my eyes "your ok" he rubbed my cheek with his thumb "im not ganna hurt you" he smiled at me i was feeling the pain slowly become better with the help with jakes little comments

I lift up with small pain and pushed myself downs "ah!~" i moaned loudly and jakes eyes widened "shhhh i love you and i love your sounds but my dad and brother are upstairs sleeping next time when there out of the house you can be as load as you want ok?" he said looking at me i nodded and slowly started bouncing i covered my mouth to hide my sharp and loud moans

I slowly went faster as my moans because louder jake grabbed my wast want moaned quietly i slowed down a bit as my legs were shaking soon i fully stoped "fuck me please~ i cant bounce anymore" jake nodded "we have to go into my room through you cant cum on my dads couch" he laughed my face was red "dumbass.. I whispered and slowly got up from his lap

I get out a breath i didnt know i was holding we picked up are clothes and from some miracle i could still walk i know that im going to be feeling this tomorrow but i could care less we went to his room and locked the door we put are clothes down

He grabbed me by the waist and started to kiss me again we soon fell onto the bed with him on top of me "turn" he said i did so he lined up with me and asked "are you sure you wanna continue?" "If you do yes" i said "dont think of me think of you do YOU want to continue?" He asked and i noded. He pushed into me fast

"do you need a break or do you want me to just go?" He asked me "go please~" i moaned he started thrusting into me not as fast as i was bouncing before but it still felt amazing "faster~" i moan after a few minutes passed

He started thrusting faster then i was bouncing "jake!~" i moaned he covered my mouth and went faster my moans were very muffled but you can still tell what i was saying "fasTER!~" jake could under stand what i was going to stay and went faster before i evan finished asking him to

"Jake!~ jake! Im ganna cum!" I moaned "ok go ahead" he smiled a few more thrusts later i came jake slowed down and soon stoped and pulled out he sat next to me i sat up and looked at him he was stroking himself i guess to make himself cum "you could of kept going till you came" i told him he put up his index finger telling me to wait

He covered he's mouth as he moaned he came and he uncovered his mouth "i- didnt- want- to- over do- it-" he said as he caught his breath "your a good person" i smiled at him and pulled him in for a kiss it was a loving one more then a lust full one

" i guess taking it slow really backfired" i laughed "damn bye bye v-card" he laughed "you were a virgin? Really? I couldn't tell" i told him "yep once i was 14 my dad made sure to teach me a lot about it just in case" he smiled at me "so uh will you be able to go to school" he asked "ah fuck we have school tomorrow don't we-" i fell onto the bed " yep " he laughed at me

"Goodbye walking it was a good run" i say dramatically jake laughed "ill go get a Towel to clean the cum ill be back he put his boxers on and left to get some he ame back and handed me one

He cleaned off his blanket i tried to get up but immediately fell jake turned to me "you ok?" I could tell he was holding in laughter he soon came and helped me up onto the bed "just chill out with no clothes youll be fine ill help when im done k?" I sigh and nodded

Soon he was done he put on sleep pants and a random hoodie he got out that one band hoodie and random pants for me he helped me stand to put the pants on but i just slid on the hoodie he turned off the lights and layed down next to me he kissed my forehead and we cuddled close together

Word count 1363

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