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Sean pov

The rest of the week was just work work and more work jake and Hailey were doing some things and i was jist waiting on jake so we could leave then his friends came in "hey jake ima go see you" i smile and wave "alright" he waves and i go to the Door past his friends. And i decided to just walk with out him i know the way to his house anyway

I get to his house "hey sean and j- wheres jake?" His dad asked "hes still at school him and Hailey had some more work to do" i smile "oh well could you help me cook or play with zack for a bit ive been bussy" he laughs

"Oh ya of course ill play with zack to get him out of your hair" i smile and he gives me a thumbs up "zack! Come on lets go play for a bit!" I yell "oh! Hi sean! Yes!" He pulls me into the living room where he was playing before i played with Zack for a bit

Soon jake came in "hey jake" i smiled he ignored me and walked to his room "hold on zack ill be back" zack smiled and laughed "ok!"

I get up and walk to jakes room i heard quite crying my eyes widdened and i knocked "jake.." He stoped "not- not r- right now" he shuddered "please...open the door..." I ask after a few minutes of convincing he opened the door

The first thing i noticed was the blood i started crying then huged him "......its.. Its ok..." He sadly smiled at me i just kept hugging him i stepped back "dont do that again" i told him "im over it.. Im..... Ok-.." He told me "what happened..?" I asked he instantly started lightly crying

I moved him to his bed and sat him down "your ok.. You can tell me after that well clean you up and ill help you out.." I tell him "i was trying to tell them to get out but they started playing around in the insterments they- they told hailey th-that the only reason i joined is because of daisy and that ill leave right after the competition wich was true at the start but not im in love with...... With..." He stoped talking and looked at me "i said to much..." He looked away "its ok... Im your friend i dont care about your reasoning for joining" i tell him

"Now come on let get your wrists cleaned" i smiled he stood up with his eyes widened he pulled me in and kissed me

Word count 446

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