Chapter 5

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I hear them laughing outside the door as they increase the speed hearing me moan uncontrollably. the room becomes quite other than the sounds of my moans a few minutes pass and my legs are shaking uncontrollably. I hear the door open and dabi walks in getting on top of me and slowing down the speed. He looks at me to see if i came when he sees that I didn't he gets irrated and hops on top of me un cuffing me yet not letting go of my wrist that are in one of his hands he slowly puts the edge of his dick near my hole and positions himself as he pushes his dick into me. I let out a moan as I fell him begin to thrust harder ands harder till I'm about to cum "D-dabi I need to" I manage to say while my legs are shaking. 

He pulls out and I Cum and he does too. I try to stand up by Dabi shoves me back on the bed "ah ah ah you're still in trouble" he says kissing my neck. I can't help but feel like someone's watching us but I ignore it. He continues kissing up and down my neck until he becomes tired and lays down on top of me. I fall asleep and Dabi is still on my chest while I play with his hair.

I wake up in a new place tied to a bed it's definitely not Dabi's room. I begin to squirm trying to get out of the chains that I'm in. I manage to catch a glimpse of something in the darkness the figure walks out and comes right above me looking down at me 'IT'S HAWKS?!?!?!' I think to myself continuing to squirm. I feel the tape over my mouth start hurting as I try to scream. "Shhhh baby bird" he says putting a hand in my hair. I continue to try to move, but still can't I begin hearing a knock on the door "bird brain open the door" it sounds like... dabi. 

hawks leaves my side opens the door barely not enough for dabi to see me of course he steps out and begins talking to dabi. I manage to get the gag out of my mouth barely it comes out muffled but i hear Dabi ask Hawks about the noise. hawks stutters for a second before answering "oh you must be imagining things." 

I try to yell again and it comes out more clear this time. Hawks walks back into the room but dabi pushes past him seeing me tied in a chair his eyes become filled with rage. He is able to push hawks out the door and shut it locking it and running to me he quickly unties me as hawks gets the door unlocked "she's mine you birdbrain" Dabi says surrounding the both of you in blue flames, Hawks tries to use his feathers to stick Dabi to the wall. He manages to get out and pull me behind him as Hawks sends more feathers toward us. One slices the side of my cheek and it starts bleeding Hawks notices what he did and stops fighting Dabi, he points towards me and Dabi looks seeing the blood drip down my face. 

I see hawks take off out the open window but I don't say anything until Dabi notices Hawks is now gone. Dabi picks me up and we begin to head back to the LOV base. We walm in and see shigaraki and toga talking Toga gets up and runs to me hugging me while I'm still in Dabi's arm "where were you!" she says taking me from Dabi's arms and running to her room Dabi starts following us "give her back right now Toga" he yells still following us Toga gets to her room and shuts the door locking it in his face "NO SHE'S MINE NOW" she yells putting me down on her bed and getting on top of me.

 I hear Dabi knocking on the door "GO AWAY DABI" she yells throwing the clock at the door. "goodnight Y/N sleep well" he says walking away "I wanna dye your hair can I?" she says twirling my hair in her fingers "fine" I say hesitantly. She gets up and grabs her coat "I'll be back with the hair dye soon" she says walking out, I walk out of her room and go to the kitchen to see twice and kurogiri talking at the table I go to the fridge and pull out my Pepsi from the day before I turn around and see a red feather on the floor. I walk over to it and pick it up moving it through my fingers "is this Hawks's Feather?" I whisper to myself "the one and only" I hear behind me I turn around to see Hawks standing behind me. The feather get pulled from my fingers as it goes back to Hawks's wings "H-Hawks?"

 I look behind me to see Toga standing behind me with Dabi "get away from her before I turn you to fried chicken" Dabi says making a small flame in his hand I feel toga pull me away from him and into her room locking the door again "while they have there little fight lets dye your hair" she says jumping up and down I hear dabi and Hawks arguing in the other room as she puts in the dye. after she applies it I get in the shower to rinse it I walk out and see that Toga set an outfit out for me. (choose what you want your outfit to look like) I look in the mirror to see my hair (again make it up). I pug it in a ponytail as I walk into the living room and sit down next to toga "you look so fucking hot bitch" she says jumping on you and hugging you.

 I feel someone standing behind me putting his hands on my shoulders I see the scars on his hands realizing it's Dabi I turn around "why does your hair look like that" he says moving his hand up and around my neck "because she wanted to" Toga snaps smacking his hand away from my neck.

Hey lovely people I hope you are all doing well! I know this chapter might not be that good I've been really busy with school recently and have been having writers block! I will start updatig this story more often though!

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