Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Where are the professors?"

"Potter and the other Champions all have interviews, so I imagine they are somewhere dealing with that." Draco smirked, "you know it's Skeeter. I can't wait to read the gossip column tomorrow, it's gonna be good!"

"Merlin, I can't stand that woman. My mother told me to steer clear of her."

Theodore agreed completely with Blaise. The woman, even in elite circles, was a complete menace. She had a way of knowing things, and if she didn't know something, she was somehow able to get the information she wanted. An annoying talent that served both her and the Daily Prophet quite well on a number of occasions. This would be no different. On the one hand, he didn't need to worry about being dragged into any unfriendly gossip. His father had some kind of dirt on the woman, and that kept their name out of the press. On the other hand, she really did write to the beat of her own drum. No, it would be smart to stay clear of the Queen of Quills and her infamous Quick-Quotes-Quill.

"Did you have something to do with this!?"

From back behind them, a forceful murmur sounded around the corner they'd taken. It looked to be in the direction of Charms. Moving to the corner, the three boys covered their noses as they could smell the beginnings of a Ravenclaw getting closer. Upon inspection, it appeared to be Cho's friends, Terry Boot and...


Blaise shook his head, "Kagome is protected, now they have to find someone else to attack and blame their misfortunes on."

Terry stepped out of the way as one of the girls snatched Luna by her long blond hair and yanked her down onto her knees.


"Shut it, you daft airhead!" Another girl kicked her foot out and pushed the dreamy girl over. Luna didn't make a peep this time. Her hand moving to her wand, she pulled it out and snapped it towards one of the girls, "Furnunculus!!"

A flash of magic shot out at one of her perpetrators and the girl crumpled in pain as she brought her hands up to her face.

"Oh, ew! You're covered in boils, it's so gross!"

Terry sneered and pulled his own wand out, pointing it at Luna who was still watching the two girls go back and forth, one crying, the other insulting. It was such a weird thing to watch two supposed friends do.

Theodore was watching with Draco and Blaise. He raised his wand at the sight of Terry pulling his own out. Theodore could almost say he was possessed. "Flipindo!" His voice echoed in the hall. 'Merlins balls, what am I doing?' A Slytherin doesn't act heroically, they are poised and cunning, they protect themselves and those they deem important enough to extend the same courtesy to... but they are not reckless and heroic! 'Well, self-preservation out the window, I might as well chalk this up with... bullying a bunch of losers.'

"Looks like you guys are outnumbered."

Luna peered up curiously at Theodore who was eyeing Blaise in confusion. The Italian joining him with a large grin plastered on his face. Draco wasn't even humoring them. He was leaning up against the wall, twirling his wand in absolute abhorrence at having his time wasted, once again by Ravenclaws. They were beginning to piss him off more than the Gryffindors.

It was all too much. Terry looked between Theodore and Blaise, even without Draco, the two were fierce in their wand-waving. He didn't have time to deal with them and Luna. Leaving the two girls behind, they looked nervous before scattering in opposite directions themselves.

"Awe, I guess the duel is over?" Blaise frowned, turning back to Draco who just rolled his eyes.

Theodore put away his wand as he watched Luna push herself up to her feet. Feet. "Where are your shoes?!"

"...oh, well... strange thing my shoes. They often wander off., though, I'm sure that they'll turn up again." She smiled in her dreamy-like fashion. Her hair was in complete disarray from the mistreatment she'd faced, and there was a bruise forming on her chin from when she was knocked down into the stone floor. His hand moved all on its own.

It was curious to everyone there.

Watching from the sideline, the interaction between a seemingly cold Theodore Nott and a completely loony Luna Lovegood, Draco couldn't pull himself to look away. Blaise seemed to share an understanding of what was happening. As if every time Kagome was hurt, he felt the same strings pull at his limbs.

It was Luna who broke the silence. "You must be infested with Wrackspurts." Her chin was cradled gently in his hand as she spoke, his eyes conveying startled confusion. "Oh yes! They like to crawl into unsuspecting ears and cause you to become unfocused and confused. I suspect that there must be a few of them... if it's affecting me too." Pushing his hand from her cheek, she stepped away from the Slytherin and strode over to her bag. "I should go. Thank you for stepping in. I suppose you didn't have to do that."

What a strange exchange. Theodore watched her leave, hair still a mess, eyes still wide and enchanting. 'Did I even get in a word?'

"Hey, we're going to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts," Draco muttered about romance before spring being completely out of season. They had barely made it up another set of stairs before black and yellow filled their line of sight.

"I wouldn't mind being late...or skipping altogether."

"BADGES BY THE LOT! BADGES!!" A Hufflepuff came skidding around the corner of the hall and paused at the sight of them. "Ah, Draco! Here, for you and yours!" Thrusted into his hand, he saw hideous yellow badges with Cedric's face plastered on it, the words Cedric Rules, glaring back at him. As he made to comment his distaste, the badges swirled into a familiar green, and Potter's face formed with another set of words. Potter Stinks! A small smirk formed, but while he was amused, there was simply a lot more on his mind. "Thanks, mate, I'll be sure to show my support, or lack thereof."

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