Long Live The Queen

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I feel a little guilty holed up in Dria's chambers while The Nine stand guard. But at this point, except for the ceremony, it's official. They know that I'm their King now.

We're in Dria's bed again. Naked, just the way I like it.

"So that's what it is. You were an angel once and I was your charge. You were still playing by their rules." I've just finished telling her what I saw and remembered in the light of Heaven's Arrow.

"I guess I was."

She wriggles closer to me. "I could always feel your big, sexy presence around me even back then. Even when you were an angel and supposed to be all chaste and without lust or sin of any kind."

I laugh, biting my lip.

"Then you were meant to be a demon, like me. Now we can be together."

Barry said this was God's mercy. Maybe he's right about that, too.

"What do you plan to do with the priest?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I still think he would've made a better demon but he still pretty hot as a vampire. He can feed on demons while he's here but I imagine it's best I send him on home where he can learn to feed on humans."

"Why do anything for him? He did try to kill you. Acts of mercy won't win you any fans down here. It might even look like a weakness and invite more challenges."

Giving another shrug, Dria swirls a lock of my hair around her finger.

"If I save this priest, then maybe The Church or whatever faction wants to off me will back off."

"I'm not so sure about that," I sigh as I pull her closer and tuck her into me. "The Church may just turn around and execute him for what he is anyway. They may not thank you for saving him." I don't want him here but my Queen has put him in a room on the second floor. He chose to sleep rather than be killed immediately. Whether he feeds or changes his mind when he awakens is up to him. Dria will only kill him if he gives her a reason to.

"Also true. I guess we'll see what happens."

"I love you, Alexandria. You know now that I've loved you for a long time, even if you can't remember."

She nuzzles my jaw with her cheek.

"Maybe I should go before the Arrow, too. I want to know for myself what happened back then."

"Not a chance." If I'm going to be her King then I'll have to put my foot down at some point. Going before a holy artifact that has a fifty-fifty chance of reducing her to ash is one of the things I cannot allow.

Dria laughs and kisses me. "I love you, Adriel, my King. I always have."

After my memories were gone, somehow, on some level, I must have remembered who I was as an angel and that stopped me from accepting Dria's feelings. There was always this lingering sensation like I was doing something wrong wanting her. But Barry was right. I'm not an angel anymore. A good thing, too. I never could've stayed away from Alexandria or followed those rules.

"Long live The Queen," I say, kissing down Dria's neck.

"And the King," Dria says. She moans and climbs onto my hips. "I do love being Queen," she says, her lusty red gaze filled with love and desire. She runs her hands over my chest and I pull her down for another kiss.

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