Don't Let Go

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"I've been drinking," Adriel mutters. His violet eyes are on my lips but his brow is creased with a frown. "You deserve—"

Grabbing him by the shoulders, I pull him down on top of me.

"I don't care. I appreciate that you want to treat me like the queen I so virtually am and that the last thing you or I want is drunk sex but do you really not want me right now? Like right now?"

I arch my back and grab his hips, pulling him tight into the cradle of my thighs. I can feel him through his slacks Adriel groans and puts his forehead against mine, panting lightly. Feeling him this hard against me, there's no way he can refuse me, can he? Can he? Damn, I feel half-crazy wanting this with him.

Adriel doesn't answer so much as he growls and secures me against the table, grinding himself into me. I answer with a moan and wiggle my hips impatiently. When he lets the barest amount of air between us, I pull my panties down and he swipes them off quicker than I can blink. I watch him strip for me, his pants, boxer briefs, and shirt going next. I touch him all over, touch him like I'm never going to get to touch him again and I need to remember everything. Adriel lets me, burning eyes watching solemnly but as if he likes that I'm enjoying his body.

My coat and dress go. Adriel starts with my scars, kissing the ones on my chest then my arms. He turns me over, bending me over the table so he kiss the scars on my back. He tries to take his time with me. Really, he does. But I won't let him. I bounce myself against him, imitating what I want to be doing. I won't hold still, swirling my hips and trying to get him inside me.

At the end of his patience, Adriel turns me around and lifts me back onto the table. I lay on my back and let him play with my breasts, filling his hands with them, massaging them, and rubbing my nipples back and forth, before spreading my legs for him. Adriel and I lock gazes as he lifts me behind the knees and wraps my legs around his waist. I grip the edge of the table, biting my lip as he slowly slips inside me. My back arches. I don't just feel full, I feel stretched. Adriel shudders on top of me and starts thrusting.

"I want this," he says. His hips pump into me. "I've always wanted this."

My eyes roll in my head as every fantasy involving this man that I've ever fingered myself makes me come at once. I'm bouncing against him on the table, holding onto the edge tight with one hand over my head. I know he won't let me go until I come for him again. When I do, he makes an absolute mess of me, riding me and coming in me until I'm limp on the hard wood beneath us.

Hoisting me up against him, my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, he carries me over to the bed without even waiting to catch his breath. With one arm arm, he yanks the covers back and lays me down before climbing in beside me and covering us up.

"Will things go back to the way they were before? Between us?" I ask in a small voice that I hate. Maybe I'm a little afraid that the alcohol might have pushed him into sex with me and he'd regret it in the morning. I don't know Adriel as someone who regrets all that much though.

Sighing, eyes closed, his breathing calmer now, Adriel says, "Let's talk about it later, Dria. Everything is happening so fast... I promise we'll talk about it after we both sleep and after I'm fully sober."

I feel a stab in my chest that has nothing to do with my fight with the Priest DeMarco. "Okay. Just let me hold you then."

Adriel puts his arms around me and holds me tight like he'll never let go. I press myself into his heated skin and hard muscle and I force my wet eyes closed. I hold him close, almost as closely as he's holding me. Like I'm trying to hold on to this moment. I'm not sure I can do this in the morning. Sex between us for him may mean nothing. After everything we've been through together, I cannot go back to the way things were before. I can totally imagine Adriel turning into a rock again, insisting on his duty and refusing my feelings. My love for him. I can't go back to that. What I'm really afraid of, I think, is that Adriel is the one who will want to go back despite everything.

Inside, I quietly begin pulling myself together. I know I can't do without having Adriel around. Eric was right. I told Adriel to leave my sight and, damn him, he had. I can't leave him in banishment. Whether he loves me or not, I need him. He's good at his job and I will find none better. How I'm going to live with him knowing that he can't be my King, I don't know.

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