Chapter 1

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People are walking around, children running around some people singing and dancing, most of the uncles are enjoying drinks and talking about politics, cricket and everything else and ofcourse we see a young man being dragged by almost everyone but he spoke to everyone with a smile and he was not at all annoyed by anyone and yes that young man is none other than our most gentle geek Abir Rajvansh, everyone was teasing him because tomorrow is his wedding. Yes he is getting married to the person HE loves, he is happy that she will be in front of him all the time, he can't wait to be called as Mishti's husband. Yes he is marrying Mishti who he loves since he knows her. It's his happiest day after so many years of knowing her at last the day has come. Mishti is his to be wife, quite a contrast, she is very extrovert, mischievous, naughty, pampered and she does what she likes but she does have a good heart. How did Abir meet her? Actually he didn't meet her, anywhere like some Bollywood movies, Mishti is Abir's dad's business partner's daughter and Mishti was 5 years old and Abir was 8 when their fathers started their business and ever since then they know each other. Abir fell in love with cute lil Mishti from day one and the love never stopped. They went to the same school but ofcourse Abir being older and also a nerd he would often do her homework, her assignments, projects. Some how Mishti's parents always felt she will be safe if Abir is with her and Mishti very well knew about it and soon when she became a teenager she started taking advantage of it. She would often make Abir lie to her parents that he will be with her but she would go with her friends, Abir didn't mind as long as she was happy but yes he did get into trouble many times for her and got all the yelling. Abir was more like her side kick, body guard, care taker. As they were growing up slowly slowly they started to drift apart and it all started when Mishti started getting friendly with boys.
Abir's first heart break in 12th grade and Mishti was in 9th. Mishti's first boyfriend was from Abir's class and when he found out that she has a boyfriend his heart broke into pieces and the worst part was they were in the same school so he would often see them hanging out. Abir's worst day in school when he saw them kissing. He came home and cried himself to sleep, Mishti was very busy in her life that she didn't even realize that Abir was going far from him.
Soon they broke up and it came as a sign of relief for Abir but he was still maintaining distance.
Abir is very talented, very smart it's just that he is simple, gentle, introvert, wears simple clothes unlike the punks that Mishti likes. Once she said she likes boys who plays guitar and Abir learned how to play one, she said boys should know how to ride a motorcycle and ofcourse Abir had to learn, she likes six pack so Abir made six pack which he never showed her, the only problem is she said she likes blue eyes and his eyes were hazel with lil hint of green and on top of that he wore glasses and there was no way he could change that, he can't even wear lenses coz he gets allergic reactions. Once Abir didn't come out of his room for two days because he really wanted blue eyes and forced himself to wear lenses and then it reacted and he had black and blue puffy eyes.
After school Abir went to America for further studies and whenever he came to India on vacation Mishti was always busy or she would go somewhere for vacation that they hardly saw each other.
Mishti's family always liked Abir and wished that Mishti would treat him well and like him but ofcourse she had nothing to do with her and Abir's family always knew that he loved Mishti a lot and they also liked her because no matter what she was a nice girl, she respected them, also they felt Abir is so quiet and introvert may be Mishti could bring some color in his life, they always loved having her at home coz then everything would be so lively. They never said anything to her parents because they knew Mishti was never interested.
Abir came back from America and Mishti was in London finishing her graduation. Over there she had a boyfriend and they even lived together and that's when Abir lost all hopes, he thought that's it now she will settle down with that guy and he will be alone all his life. Soon she came back and said they broke up,  their relationship was on and off the boy was very greedy he wanted money most of the time.
Now Abir is 29 years old and Mishti is 26, six month back Mishti's dad was very worried and as usual he would share everything with Abir's dad, that day Abir was also in the office and all Abir had to do is look at his dad and his dad told Mishti dad that "how about we get Abir and Mishti get married?" Hearing this her dad was ecstatic, he couldn't believe the proposal would come from their way as he always loved Abir, but the problem was Mishti, she wasn't ready to believe her boyfriend was not the right guy, who always took her money and mentally tortured her. When her parents told Her about Abir she was furious and Abir took a back step and said he is not going to push it. Once Mishti came to his office and wanted to talk to him.
A:: yes Mishti what can I do for you?
M:: you can stay away from my life.
A:: I think I always stayed away from you
M:: then why did you agree to marry me? Don't you know I am in a serious relationship I was living with him in London. Then why did you have to agree to this proposal.
A:: I mean I have no reason to say no
(Now she was very angry)
M:: ofcourse you have no reason to say no, who would marry a geeky boring 29 year old Virgin Nerd? So you thought why not Mishti, a smart fun loving, out going person.
She left and after that Abir was very hurt, not because she called him boring, geek or nerd but he was upset that she called him Virgin. That hurt a lot coz he was actually a Virgin, in fact he never even kissed anyone. He came home and looked very sad ofcourse his parents were worried so Abir's dad (Ram) and mom (Anu) asked what happened.
A:: maa, I'm really good for nothing, I don't have any good quality that Mishti could like, how can I blame her for not liking me?
Anu:: beta what happened? You are perfect anyone would fall in love with you.
A:: no that's not true, Mishti didn't fall for me.
Ram:: Abir....!! Why are you worried, everything will be fine. She will also fall for you.
A:: no!! She will never fall for me!! You know she said I'm boring and I'm a 29 year old Virgin so I can't get anyone.
Ram bursted out in laughter
Ram:: what? I didn't know you are a virgin, I mean what were you doing in America for so many years?
A:: dad are you serious? I went there to study and I was saving myself for Mishti, I didn't know it would backfire me like this.
Ram:: so you didn't even kiss anyone?
A:: fine!! I'm not hungry I don't want dinner.
Anu:: Abir Abir ... beta... ignore your dad Abir... (he left) Ram are you crazy why would you say that?
Ram:: Anu I couldn't help it, but can you imagine my son still a Virgin (he couldn't stop laughing)
Almost after four months when Mishti's parents were pressuring her that she better get married and if she doesn't marry her boyfriend then she has to marry Abir. Mishti fought with her parents and left the house saying she will live with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend always avoided talking about marriage so she decided they will live together. She reached his home and to her shock she saw him in a compromising position with another girl who was wearing her lingerie. Seeing her boyfriend in that position she was heartbroken, she drove herself to the lake side where she and Abir would go when they were young. She went there after ages and she had no clue that Abir goes there very often and has his own tent and a small place for himself there. She didn't know she was in Abir's secret place and when she saw she was all alone she started crying and talking to herself. She was cursing herself for dating that guy, what a big mistake and she was crying because she was heartbroken, she had no clue Abir was in the tent and he heard everything and he came out and saw it was Mishti who was sitting and crying. He sat beside her.
M:: Abir?
A:: hmmmm... yea Abir... I mean I should ask you...
M:: what?
A:: actually this is my place, I bought this land for my secret hide out. Remember we used to come here all the time when we were little.
Mishti couldn't hold it anymore she just hugged him and cried. Abir caressed her hair, patted her back, held her tight.
A:: cry it out sweetie you will feel better, heart break can be difficult (who else would know better than Abir)
After all the crying Abir dropped her home. Soon her parents convinced her to get married to Abir. She just said yes because she didn't want to hurt her parents anymore as she already hurt them so much and also she knows Abir since childhood so she felt how bad it can be, but she was not very happy as Abir was never her kinda man. Her parents spoke to his parents and fixed the wedding. One month after her break up Abir and Mishti got engaged, he made sure to buy a big rock for her engagement ring just the way Mishti always wanted a big diamond ring. She was quite happy that he bought that ring even though she never told him what she liked.
After they got engaged she was still very distant, and he knew it that she is just doing it because her parents wanted her to get married.
A:: Mishti I know you don't like me
M:: Abir it's not that I don't like you, you are a nice man it's just that you are not my kind. But it's okay not everyone can find their dream man
A:: if you don't want to marry me then it's okay I won't feel bad.
M:: it's not that Abir, no one is forcing me to marry you, I'm marrying you on my own will, but I'm sure you know after all that happened in my life it's difficult. Abir I'm not a bad girl, I might not be the ideal wife but I'm not so bad
A:: i never said you are bad, if I thought that way then why would I want to marry you? I just want you to know I'll always support you no matter what and I'll always wait for you. I'll never force myself on you, you can take your time and whenever you are ready we can take our relationship to the next level.
After that Mishti mellowed down but she became very quiet, everytime she saw Abir she was very formal.

Present Day::
Abir is the happiest person, tomorrow he is getting married to his dream girl. He kept looking at all the pics of all the functions. Mishti looked so beautiful in every function, Abir never appreciated his looks, he never noticed how girls would go crazy and ogle him because he was busy thinking of Mishti.
Abir is a slim built 6 feet 2 inches tall young handsome man. He has beautiful silky black hair with a fair complexion with hazel eyes. He is in fact very hot and handsome. He can make a rugged old T-shirt look good on him.
Few days back Abir told Mishti that he knows she doesn't like glasses so he will get his surgery done, but she stopped him.
M:: Abir I know our relationship is not how any couple would want it to be, but you have never asked me to change, in fact I don't even know what you like or what you don't like, please don't do anything that you haven't done all your life but now you will do it because I feel in a certain way. You are Abir and I want to marry this Abir. Please don't do anything more that I feel obligated.
Abir looked at his glasses and wore it... he smiled thinking of her and went to sleep.
Next day Abir wore a white sherwani with white pagdi he looked like the perfect Prince Charming. When they brought Mishti to hall and her eyes fell on him, she was pleasantly surprised to see him. For the first time she actually noticed him, for the first time she saw a handsome young man who could easily pass as a super model in any pageant stood in front of her with twinkling eyes hidden under his glasses and smiling with a perfect set of Pearl white teeth. She actually smiled thinking that he is actually not that bad in fact quite a handsome man.
Even though Mishti has no feelings for Abir also she is just healing from her last relationship where she was seriously involved still one positive thing she felt in this whole thing was that she knew she was marrying a genuine man. But then again the lingering pain of her heartbreak was so strong that no matter what she thought everything was getting difficult, accepting Abir in her life was getting very difficult. She knew she was in a toxic relationship and it might take time to heal but she was ready to try. She prayed to God to make things easy for her. Ofcourse she has no clue she was marrying a gem of a person who was ready to change her world if she gives him a chance.
At last Abir puts the mangalsutra on her and then the vermillion filling the parting of her hair. A tear rolled down Mishti's cheek and she looked up and saw he was wiping his face because he couldn't hold his happy tears. Mishti couldn't help but smile and wipe the tears on his right cheek that he missed.

Hello everyone,
This MishBir story has nothing to do with the show but trust me the love between them will be beautiful.
Mishti fans please don't troll me I'm not trying to make her look bad, I'm only showing two different individuals with different lifestyles and also Mishti is not bad she is just not like any average girl.
Also why is it necessary that only the girl has to be Virgin? Why can't a man be Virgin and save himself for the girl?
PS:: it will not be a long story it will have only few chapters

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