liars go to hell

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When one's life flashes before their eyes, it is usually because they are facing certain death, because they are scared shitless, or both. And right now, as you stand by the door to your childhood home, your sister's suspecting eyes forcing you into a nervous sweat, you truly believe you are facing both.

In all honesty, the lunch had gone pretty well. You didn't say anything that would garner your family's attention and/or suspicion and though your sister had scared you a little in the middle of it, she soon stopped staring at you like you were a wolf disguised as a sheep and left you alone to zone out by yourself so that she could join the conversation.

Currently, however, you are in the clutches of the devil. As you say goodbye to your mother, your sister holds your elbow behind your backs so that you do not attempt to make a hasty get away with Juyeon before she can carry out her interrogation.

"Thank you for coming, Juyeon, dear. You were lovely to have. I hope you do come again soon. But Lord knows Y/N never has an off day," she says as she gives him a tight hug. You know your mother. She is crazy and in some ways, psychotic. She doesn't like people very much and she definitely doesn't get along with people as easily as she has gotten along with Juyeon. Hell, she doesn't even get along well with you, her own child. So, when she so willingly hugs Juyeon and invites him to her house again, you are a little surprised.

"Yeah, I know. She's always so busy. But I would love to come again," Juyeon replies absentmindedly, totally forgetting that he is not supposed to come back. Ever. Your eyes widen and you pinch his lower back, a warning as to not say anything else that will land you in the position the both of you are currently in again, hoping and praying that your mother does not hear him.

But of course she does.

"Please do! Come any time you can! And even if you can't I can go to you. You said you work at the florist right by the hospital, right? And I'm sure you're always at each other's homes anyway, right? That's right! I'll come over to Y/N's house tomorrow and cook you both dinner, okay?" she organises on her own, not factoring in yours or Juyeon's opinion or input whatsoever. And before you or Juyeon can even protest, she is hastily bidding you all goodbye before shutting the door in your faces, fully aware that if she stood there for even a second longer, you would have piled a mountain's worth of excuses onto her and refusing to allow her to your home.

You, Juyeon and Mae stand before the door, stunned wordless. Even Mae is a little stunned, the vice-grip she held on your elbow loosened as she stands as surprised as you and Juyeon even though what just happened does no harm to her in any way. You do not know what to do. You just simply gawk at Juyeon, whom you obviously blame for egging on your mother.

"Dude!" you finally manage to exclaim, letting Mae's hand fall from your arm as you reach up to whack Juyeon on his arm. He simply turns his gaze to you from the closed door, silent as he stares at you in utter disbelief that he just did that.

This is bad. This is really bad. Not only is your mother coming to your house without your permission, she specifically wants Juyeon there so that, you don't know, they can further the weird bond they had formed tonight. Not to mention the fact that your sister has begun to laugh rather hysterically at your predicament, her suspicions clearly proven to be the truth as you glare Juyeon down. Her high-pitched laughter only serves as added irritation and you are a second away from slapping the laughter from her throat when Juyeon finally regains his regular function.

"Shit. I fucked up, I know. Don't be mad, we'll figure something out, I promise," he reassures, ignoring the hysterical laughter coming to your sister as he looks at you, hands finding your shoulders. Unlike the reassurance you felt from Juyeon in the previous three hours or so, you now only feel frustration bubbling inside you. And unlike before, his hands aren't warm now, instead, they make you hot and angry and your frustration doubles. Because you knew it. You knew you shouldn't have trusted a stranger, of all people, with something of this importance. You knew you shouldn't have trusted Juyeon and you shouldn't have let your guard down when he started saying sweet, reassuring words, as if he had everything in control. But the thing that makes you the most angry is that, for the most part, he did have everything in control! But right at the very end, right when the finishing line was so close that you could taste it, he let go of the wheel, leading to your plans of ending this all once and for all, tonight, to crash and burn.

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