the beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, Y/N's not told me much about you. She's not told me anything at all, actually, just that you're her boyfriend.".

Juyeon lets out a chuckle and turns to you with an eyebrow raised in question. You remain as stoic as you can manage, mind preoccupied with the incessant, dull thudding occurring in your chest.

"Yes. I own the florist near the hospital Y/N works at," he supplies with a grin. You quietly tell him to sit down as you take his coat from him, walking out of the room and leaving the two of them to place your coats on the rack. Before you go back in, you take a second to breathe. So far, everything is going fine. You just pray it goes fine for the next few hours.

When you return, Juyeon is standing next to your mother, smiling at whatever she says as he helps her trim the flowers and add them to the vase. The second you took solely for breathing purposes is deemed useless upon seeing them together, your heart begins to thud in your chest and you will it to shut the fuck up as you approach them.

"Where's father?" you ask when they notice you have returned.

"Off galavanting around, I presume," you offer when your mother struggles to give you an answer. Your curtness cuts a line in the previously joyous mood, turning it sour and charged as you nonchalantly open the fridge to survey it for food, immediately going for the pack of strawberries when you spot it. You can feel your mother's glare of disapproval on your back and you hear the way Juyeon gulps uncomfortably, obviously not used to the way with which you talk about your father. It makes you want to laugh a little. Though you are nowhere near the level of psycho your mother is, you do enjoy ruining the mood from time to time.

"He won't be coming. Sorry Y/N and Juyeon," she says rather calmly, much more used to your disdain for your father than Juyeon. "Your sister and your brother, however, will be here soon," she continues and as soon as she finishes her sentence, you hear the door swing open, followed by a myriad of familiar voices.

You whip around to level your mother with a frown, surprised, because you did not expect this. Your mother simply smiles and excuses herself as she walks past the threshold of the dining room to greet your siblings and their spouses and their children.

Juyeon looks to you, eyes wide with confusion and surprise as he quickly dumps the flowers into the vase and makes his way to your stunned form, juicy looking strawberries in your hands that you want to eat so desperately tempt you but the importance of other matters pull your attention away from them, leading you to rip open the fridge and shove it back inside a little more violently than you intended.

"Shit, I don't know shit about your siblings," Juyeon comments and you roll your eyes because of course he doesn't know rat shit about your siblings. You guys met on Wednesday for Christ's sake. And you only expected your parents to be here because, for one, your sister lives in an entirely different country. Not to mention that your brother works all over the world and was supposed to be stationed in Japan for three years, which began two months ago. And none of them had even hinted that they were going to visit. So yes, you are taken aback that they are here, in the house you grew up in. But you are even more taken aback because those two nightmares who are mistaken as people are like sniffer dogs for lies, more so your sister than your brother.

In conclusion, this is the beginning of the end of yours and Juyeon's lie.

"Y/N," Juyeon urges, grabbing you by your shoulders to shake you out of your daze. You snap out of it and look at him. You can tell he is a little panicked, eyes wide as they dart nervously and his breathing has increased. His propinquity takes you by surprise and you can't help but think that now that you're up close to him, Juyeon seems much more handsome than you originally thought. You could see why mothers liked him. After all, he is very dashing and he does have a certain way with words, and his low, smooth voice is not a turn off either. Plus, he's really tall and has a pretty smile.

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