Beautiful to me -request

Start from the beginning

"Well, I can hear her happy tone whenever I compliment her" you say with a smile.

"Such a simp" Jirou sighs.


From then on, you hang out with the girls and their friends. Most people know about your condition now, however you never revealed your quirk to any of them, to spy on them maybe, only you know your intentions.

On a nice saturday afternoon, you're hanging out with the Bakusquad, you guys are on a picknick in a park.

"I absolutely love, these new earrings I got, what do you think Y/N?" Mina says.

"I think they suit you real well, you look amazing in them" you say with a smile.

"I think they don't go with my skin, tho" Mina sighs, she complained about her skin several times, but you never knew why.

"Shut it, racoon eyes, it's fine" Bakugou growls, another thing you never really understood, why does Bakugou call Mina that.

"Okay, whatever" Mina replies and the picknick carries on, you and Mina talking about all kinds of stuff, mainly the things she likes.

"Why you never take your sunglasses off?" Mina asks suddenly.

"Well, my eyes look weird" you confess.

"Excuse me, have you seen my?" Mina says, you feel like you just triggered her unsecurity.

"What? No, I love your eyes, they look special" you say quickly.

"T-thank you" Mina stutters out.

"You're welcome" you say with a smile.

Later as you leave towards your house as the others go the other direction, you can still hear them talking due to your quirk.

"Gosh, I think I love him" Mina says to Jirou, who replies right away with a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Mina asks her offended.

"Simple, you and Y/N? Don't be silly, he's lying to you, since the beggining" Jirou lets out.

"What do you mean?" Mina asks her in confusion, but Jirou says nothing and instead starts a conversation with Kaminari.

You hear footsteps coming closer towards you, and somebody's hand grabs your shoulder, making you face them before they take your glasses off.

"Jirou said you were lying to me since the beggining" Mina says, slightly annoyed.

"Well, I wouldn't call it lying" you say with a smile.

"Look into my eyes when you talk to me, hello, down here" Mina says as you try to find her eyes even tho you can't see anything.

"Well, the thing is, Ashido, I am blind" you decide to tell her the truth.

"What? Then why did you always say nice things about the stuff I wear?" Mina asks in confusion.

"Because you always seem so excited about it" you tell her.

"Why does it matter?" she asks.

"I don't know, it's just nice seeing you happy" you say with a smile.

"I know I have no right to ask this now but, would you like to go on a date with me?" you ask, thinking she will send you somewhere not nice.

"O-of course I will" Mina says in surprise.

"So, I'll pick you up seven later today?" you ask.

"Sounds great, see you then" she says, leaving and telling Kirishima what just happened.


A while before seven you stand into the UA highschool complex and walk into the class 1-A dormitories.

"So, you're on time" Bakugou says, and you hear him coming towards you.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to miss out on such an event" you laugh nervously.

"Mhm, so now listen carrefully, you hurt my daughter and no one will ever piece you back together" Bakugou lowers his voice and thretens you.

"I would never hurt her, never ever" you say assuring Bakugou.

"Good, now make her happy or else-" Bakugou says.

"Go have fun kids, right Bakubro" Kirishima says, cutting Bakugou off.

"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late, long wait wasn't it?" Mina says from the other side of the room as she walks towards you.

"Not really, I had fun with your parents, let's go now" you say, wanting to leave Bakugou's presence as soon as possibly without getting hurt.

You and Mina walk around the park, she mentions how beautiful the stars are and you ask her to describe it as you both lean over a fence. You love listening to Mina talk so excitedly about all the things around and you can imagine your surroundings.

At the end of your date, you two share a small kiss and only then you find out Mina's hair is acctually short, but it doesn't bother you at all.


hope i did good, anyways its the first time i was writing x reader, so it aint perfect, but i hope its at least okay

it felt so awkward writing 2nd person, i probably won't write 2nd pov ever again, so next time im doing x reader (if ever) it aint 2nd person, just to clear things out

also, my art finals are finally over, and tomorow is last day before weekend and i get back home from dorms, excited

also ill go make myself the pizza i bought for diner now, baii

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