Soft, Brocken boi 😥✨

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Drako looked like he was about to cry. His green emerald orbs sparkled in the sunlight as he cried tears of strawberry milkshakes.

Y/n was determined to prove herself. Like the strong woman she is, she climbed on top of Draco's car and started singing fight song. Her voice was soft and pure, she sang beautifully like an angel. Drako cried harder and then pulled out a giant, emerald ring from his pocket.

"Y/n Fanfic-Shit," he said. "Will you be my wife and Slytherin's new queen?"

"No," Y/n sighed because she was different and not like the other girls who would say yes. 🙄.

Drako started crying his strawberry milk tears out of his emerald shiny biny peteite emerald jewel sea ocean grass flower green pen ink shiny jingly cute large orbs and Y/n smiled.

"Oh, Draco," she said. "I was just in a silly, goofy mood 😝🍷"

"So you'll marry me?"


"Not if I have anything to say about it," cried Mr Malferret. His snowy Elsa silver krypton hair blew in the wind for ✨drama✨

"But we love each other," Drako cried. Y/n took his ring and wore it on my hand which was 0.43 millimetres in diameter because Y/n was different and knew sciencey things. 🙄

"I don't care," said Mr Malferret.

"Well, caring is sharing!" Drako, like the mature person he was, stuck his tongue out at his dad and took Y/n's delicate china glass body and placed Y/n inside of his Peppa Pig rover.

"Ooh," said Y/n. Drako hit her across the face. 

"Don't speak! I hate your voice and everything about you!"

Y/n was different. She listened to what boy's had to say. She nodded and they drove out of the Malferret mansion and back to Hairy Pottah's hose.

"Hairy!" Drako called. His voice was so light and airy, like a strawberri mouse 😊

"Yea?" Said the choosen boi from his window. Y/n snarled in disgust when he opened the front door to great them.

"I want my moneyz back."

A/n: Drako, how could you? 😥 I hope Y/n and Draco get back together, I just love their chemistry!! I love Draco and I think the way I portrayed him here in this story as a soft, UWU boi is perfect, don't you?

So my children all died. Yay. No more extra money being wasted, am I right? 🤣🍷 #CoolMother #ChildrenAreDahWorst

Sorry it took a while to update this fanfic, I've been busy planning my kid's funerals and all that stupid stuff. My bestie (the one who had the husband with cancer who died in Sweden last month) now has dementia so say hi to Maria 🥰🙌

So I've finally decided that my children will be buried in the country of the Bri'ish with their dad, Joshua, and their half-sibling, Drapple. I think the ceremony will be so cute 🥺✨

~ Natasha

Y/n and Draco; the ultimate love story 🥺✨(Y/n x Draco book #2)Where stories live. Discover now