Chapter 1

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An Unknown Bamboo Forest

A bright light suddenly appeared at the forest. When it dissipates, four beings emerged from said light, though the position they're standing doesn't seem to be promising, because they fall the moment they appeared.


Paul was panicking as he fall, since he didn't know this would happen.

Simon: Damn it Oogway!!! Why can't you jussst teleport usss to the ground!!!

Simon was also panicking, though he was complaining much more than screaming like Paul.

The twins: Wheee!!!

The twins, Thomas and Damon, just enjoyed the fall like how some enjoy skydiving.

Ace: Quick! We need to find something like a large lake to cushion our fall! Anybody see it?!

Ace just react quickly to their dilemma by finding a solution for their fall.

Seamus: There! I see a lake right where we going! Brace for impact!!!

As Seamus warned his companions about the lake, they brace for impact, creating a large splash when they landed on the lake. They swam to the ground, literally felt relieved as it was over. When they start to get up, they realize they don't have their original bodies.

Paul: Umm, guys? I think we're not exactly ourselves.

Simon: You think?! We are ssserpentines for goodnessss sssake!

Thomas and Damon: *looking at each other* Awesome!!!

For Paul, he has the body of an Anacondrai, complete with its very long and curving neck, purple skin or scales, black markings and gold spines along his chest, forehead, and light blue gems on his head and chest. Unlike real snakes however, he has a pair of reptilian arms with long claws, which surprisingly can be retracted like how a turtle hides their head.

Simon on the other hand, had the body of a Hypnobrai general, with a cobra-like hood at his head decorated in spiral markings, blue skin or scales, black, yellow and white markings covering his new body, and the distinctive big red eyes with dark red pupils and spirals.

Thomas and Damon were a bit freaky, since they both share one new body. They have the Fangpyre general's body, with red as the primary color, while black and white as their marking colors. Both two heads are completely identical, with Thomas's voice sound deeper, while Damon's voice sounds higher. Thomas is the left head while his other twin is the right, with both have long, thin fangs.

Seamus was the shortest of the group because of his new body. He gained the form of the Constrictai general, having primarily black skin or scales, with some bits of orange and metallic grey. He also has large spikes along with his head and back. Though short, he's physically the strongest of the group.

Lastly, Ace has the Venomari general's body. He has white spikes on his head, tusk-like fangs, and four yellow eyes, two of them smaller than the others. His body is dark green with black, red, and lime-green markings.

Not only that, the now serpentine group are also equipped with the serpentine tribe's staff, with each snakes hold their respective tribe staff. Of course, each staff holds the antidote for their special attacks, which is good since they won't have a problem to interrogate somebody.

Seamus: Huh... At least we have hands, and something to use for self defense. Great, now we just need to know where we are.

Thomas: Hold on, before that, I think we should...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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