Part Two (cont.)

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A few hours later, after everyone had gone to bed, Tetsu and Kei sat up in one of the little bungalows apart from the main house. There was a TV and blu-ray player, but they weren't interested in watching anything. Instead, Tetsu waited patiently while Kei thought his way through the earlier revelation: his dad was clearly still alive. Not only that, but it seemed everyone else knew who he was, but never said anything to Kei. Well, it wasn't as if they could; the information had been classified. Still, that's one hell of a secret to keep from him.

Kei hadn't spoken another word all night, not to anyone. If he was asked to help with something, he did, but that was it. He helped serve dinner, helped make more because it wasn't quite enough to feed everyone, and then helped clean up afterward. When asked, he helped people carry their things to their assigned sleeping quarters, but once everyone was settled, he took Tetsu's hand and they left for their bungalow.

Now, they sat in the middle of the bed, Kei's back to his chest, and Tetsu's arms wrapped around him. They'd been sitting that way for at least an hour now, and still Kei hadn't said a word. Tetsu was about to urge him to say something, but was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Reluctantly, he let go of Kei and went to see who was there.

"Can we come in?" Akaashi asked quietly. Standing behind him was Bokuto and Narita.

"No, I don't..."

"It's fine, Tetsu," Kei said from their bed. "Let them in."

With a wry grin, he stepped back and opened the door further so they could come in. Kei watched them as they stood there and Tetsu closed the door behind them.

"You guys can sit down," he said, gesturing toward the table and chairs. When they settled into their seats, he joined them at the table.

"We're sorry," Narita started. "We wanted to tell you, but..."

"Classified," Kei said, his voice low.


"And yet, everyone clearly knew about it."

"To be fair, you weren't a part of our... organization," Bokuto offered by way of explanation.

"No. I'm just his son," Kei bit out. "That should have been enough clearance for someone to tell me my dad was still alive."

"Would you have believed us if we had told you?" Akaashi asked quietly.

"Probably not. But is that still any reason to keep it from me?"

"We had orders, directly from..."

"I understand. Even my own dad didn't want me to know."

"And if you knew he was alive, what would you have done?" Narita asked carefully.

"I don't know," Kei answered honestly. "I don't think it's a matter of what I'd have done, but what he could've done."

"And what do you think I could have done, Kei?"

Everyone started, and then turned to see the elder Tsukishima standing just inside the doorway. No one heard anyone knock, and no one heard the door open. One by one, they stood up and bowed, and with a look, each one left. But not before offering Kei a bit of support by gripping his arm or shoulder as they passed. Even Tetsu would have gone, but Kei reached out to stop him.

"Stay with me," Kei whispered.

"Are you sure?"



Kei faced his father for the first time since they arrived at the villa. Really, one could call it the first time in fifteen years.

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