he was using his every last bit of poison to scare felix away but it didn't work that easily.

"i know you didn't mean your words" felix responded, dodging his question entirely.

no, he wasn't here for entertainment.

felix was here for reconciliation.

eyes staring straight ahead at the opposite cubicle, he noticed how hyunjin's breath hitched.

hyunjin was taken aback.

felix used his silence to continue.

"wouldn't it be hypocritical of you to defend me one day and suddenly use my trauma to humiliate me the next ? you've been an ass but you're far from being a hypocrite" felix laughed, looking down to stare at his knees.

his back subsequently started aching, despite only being on the floor for less than five minutes.

he can't help that he has the back of a seventy year old man.

"you're right"

felix perked up, eyes alert as he waited for hyunjin to continue.

"i don't know about being a hypocrite, only other people can really judge that but what i said to you today wasn't and isn't what i truly think" hyunjin replied.

"then why did you say that?" felix prompted.

felix wasn't going to go too lightly on hyunjin; whether he meant his words or not, they stung felix and belittled his trauma.

"you should have been able to recognise that the man you saved me from is someone who has been very hurtful towards me in the past - not only did you belittle my trauma, you also downplayed other physical abuse victims.. whether you meant it or not"

a heavy silence followed.

felix's tone may have been harsh but he had to get his point across.

whether it was some cruel joke or not, hyunjin should take accountability for what he said.

"i'm really sorry, felix"

felix listened.

"i was too up tight about my reputation that i spewed shit i didn't even mean; you saw right through me and everything i said cannot be excused" hyunjin continued through the crevices of the cubicle door.

what surprised felix was that hyunjin was very well-spoken and was very quick to accept the consequences.

in a way, the aussie knew hyunjin wouldn't deny such things because he was probably one the most authentic people he knew.

and yet, it still threw him off.

"thank you for apologising.. you know, you're very well-spoken" felix couldn't help but point out.

the younger heard a shy chuckle from behind the door.

"you really think so?"

"yeah, you have a way with words.. really passionate" felix grinned, conveying his genuine thoughts through his words.

felix could almost sense the smile on hyunjin's face and was hoping he could see it one day.

he was sure that hyunjin has a beautiful smile.

for a moment, felix assumed hyunjin was flustered an unable to speak until he heard a deep sigh.

"can i tell you something?" hyunjin asked, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.

felix perked up, feeling his heart warm at the request.

why? because felix expected himself to be the last person hyunjin would tell things.

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