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"you have that weird ass look on your face again"

hyunjin looked towards his twin by his side, who was leaning against the locker and applying a peachy lip gloss to her lips.

"what look?" hyunjin asked dumbfounded.

yeji sighed, turning to look at hyunjin with an 'are you serious' expression.

"you've got something on your mind.. spill" yeji said, eyes piercing towards the taller.

no one knew hyunjin more than yeji did.

being a twin is like having a seventh sense - you know exactly what's going through your twin's mind and only you can help solve their issues.

it's like having shared brain cells, if your twin feels it, you'll feel it too.

to yeji, hyunjin was like an open book.

that's what made him so well known.

if he had to something to say, he would say it.

if something made him disgusted, he would show it.

hyunjin wasn't afraid to express his distaste or opinions to the world.

however, there was one thing he wouldn't dare to be so open about.

pursing his lips, hyunjin debated on what he was going to tell his twin sister.

"what's gonna happen when people.. you know.. find out?" hyunjin muttered, voice weak.

yeji's eyes softened as she gave her brother a reassuring smile.

"when people find out is the day we can filter out the fakes.. you know i'll always be there for you" yeji spoke comfortingly.

that's when her eyes darted towards a familiar curly haired blonde, who had began walking past the row of lockers the two were stood in.

the boy raised an eyebrow at the duo.

"skipping school again?" yeji asked.

"skipping class again?" chan retorted cheekily.

scoffing, yeji threw chan a look as hyunjin stayed silent.

"you know damn well skipping school is far worse, at least we're still on campus.." yeji sighed, pocketing her hand mirror.

chan let out a giggle at yeji's poor excuse as she smiled.

the two were actually close, forming a friendship in the last year of secondary school and allowing it to blossom since then.

unfortunately, they didn't share many classes with each other.

but when they're together, they're unstoppable.

their bond can almost rival yeji's bond with her own brother.

chan and yeji both shared one thing in common.


yeji and chan would always scheme different plans to prank teachers who wronged them in the past such as when they'd refuse to help you with your work.

we will not be getting into detail about how yeji was able to send mrs jo into the restroom for 2 hours while chan laughed his head off.

but hyunjin? he never took part in them.

to chan, hyunjin was a stranger, despite his very image of nothing but the truth, even if it was cruel.

chan's eyes met hyunjin's as he gave the taller a firm nod.

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