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july twenty-second | jake

» there's one catch though. Nobody, not even your family, is allowed to know we exist. « max said, while everyone of us still tried to realise what just happened.
» so you're telling me I've had superpowers for years and nobody told me? « cody asked.
» well, yes. « was max's simple answer.

» now, to protect our secrecy, i'm going to take all of your
phones. « he continued and we all were even more shocked than before.
he unfortunately started with me and at first i tried my best to keep it, but of course it didn't worked out, so i handed in my mobile.

» i'm going to loose all my snap streaks! « cody said and looked like she just could jump out of the window and it wouldn't change anything.
» i'm sorry to hear that, but all of your friends and you will survive it. « he said smirking and taking cody's phone away.

when the man was standing in front of manon, trying to take her's too, she started to persuade him. » come on, i know you since i am five, or at least i think so, you know how much my phone means to me right? because if i had to choose a superpower of surprise or my phone, i would choose my phone. « they said with a bit of hope, but it didn't helped. he also took her phone and all the other ones too. now we weren't that happy and exited anymore.

» the pain you all experience now, will only make you stronger and at least you will get them back soon. « he said.

» so max, are you the head of this society? « kj asked interested.
max's answer was just a "not exactly" and in this moment a woman into the room. but the woman wasn't just anyone possible, no. it was manon's mother.

after she stepped in front of us, not only manon was shocked. we all were, but i wonder how i would have reacted if it was my mother standing right in front of us.

» what the fuck is going on? is this a weird dream or something like it? « jules said totally confused.
» it isn't. « her mom's answered.

» welcome to the secret society training program. for thousands of years, second-born royals like you and myself have protected our kingdoms from threats, assassins and international criminals. we work in secret. our rewards? lives saved. order restored. the next few weeks will be challenging. you may doubt you have what it takes, but whatever obstacles you face, nothing is impossible. those of you who make the cut will join the society. those of you who won't will return to their kingdoms. you'll be stripped of your powers and your memories will be modified to erase any recollection of this training. i wish you the best of luck. « she said.


» why haven't you told me? « i confronted my mother.
» because this had to be too secret. any outsider knowing about this could become very dangerous for the society existence. « she answered.
» do dad or alizeè know? « i asked.
» no they don't and they are not going to know, understood? « she asked. » yeah. «

my mother looked at her watch. » i have to leave now, i think they're already waiting for me. you should go too, you're training starts in five minutes. « she told me.
» training? now? where? « i asked irritated.
» you know the big door in the west wing, right? the one you always wanted to know what's behind, but i never let you in? that's where you're going to be trained. « she said left.


we were walking across the whole west wing until we found the place where max told us to go to, after manon's mom left and she followed her.

after minutes we finally saw max and jules standing in front of a big door.
» took you long enough, you should've been already here ten minutes ago. « max said.
» it's not that easy to find anything here. « valentino said.
» i was just joking, but now get in. « he said and the big door opens automatically.

we all entered the room, but there wasn't anything special. to be exact nothing. like seriously nothing. it was a big room with white walls and a white floor.

as soon as we were all standing in the room, max closed the door and the walls started to move and everything turned into a weird kind of labyrinth.

we all didn't know what to do, we weren't sure if we should just enter one of the many corridors, so we all just stayed there like we count move.

» it's just a simple labyrinth and you have to get a way out of it, nothing to worry, i promise you won't die. « max said laughing and we all slowly got into the labyrinth.

after only a few turnings we all were split up and trying to find a way out of it.


we all have been trying to get out of this damn labyrinth for at least 30 minutes, but this thing is never going to end. like seriously, i think this is kind of a magic place and the walls change with every step you take.
i hope there won't be a triwizard cup, which teleports us to a weird guy without a nose, who's trying to kill us.

» damn max, is here an exit or does the corridors never end? « val shouted, sounding pretty annoyed.
» well, there is, but you won't find it if you continue working alone. « he answered.
» are you kidding? how can we work together if we don't know where we are, all the more where the others are?! « i said.
» that's the tricky thing. « he said and i know he smirked while saying it.


it's been so long since we entered this labyrinth and still none of us found a way to leave, or should i say escape, it.

about ten minutes after max told us to find each other, i decided to just sit down and wait for anyone else to find me.
in the moment i leaned to the wall, my body slipped through it, just like i did yesterday.

i didn't realise that cody stood right in front of me and looked very shocked.
» how did you do that- you just fell through the wall! « cody asked me with an irritated expression.
» uhm i guess it's my superpower. « i answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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