Meeting Kaidou

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After Teruhashi walked away, the short blue haired teen approached you.

"Hey have you heard of The Dark Reunion?"

Wha- he remembers??!!?

"No I haven't. What's that? Is it from an anime or something?" You responded trying to make your lie convincing, but, a hint of panic could be heard in your voice.

"You haven't heard of The Dark Reunion!?!?" The Jet-black Wings exclaimed, eager to share his knowledge with you.

"No I haven't what is it?"

"Well since you asked. The Dark Reunion is an evil organization that's trying to steal "Black Beat" the power that dwells in my right arm and is sealed there with these bandages, they plan to steal this power and use it to create a new world. But I won't let that happen for I am The Jet-Black Wings!"
You now know for certain that he is the one you're searching for.

"Wow! That sounds really cool!!" You say trying your best to sound surprised. "Could I see it?" You asked hoping to see how well it's sealed.

"No!!" He panics "I-it's too dangerous y-you could get hurt!!"

"Oh... I thought you were cool..." you frown trying to get him to change his mind. It seemed to have worked as you saw his face sadden, he looked as though he was about to cry. "Wh-what I mean is of course you can! You just need to be extremely careful." He says holding back tear. Lame you thought but for some reason you felt kinda bad.
You smile at him softly and reached for his arm. I could probably take the power right now considering how weak he is.

Just then some strange dude who everyone seemed to hate came up to the two of you. "Hey, chibi who's this?" the guy who's face looked like it would be great for effortlessly scaring children asked the blue haired teen.

"Oh Nendo. This is...ummm?" The boy realized he didn't know your name.
You finished his sentence.
"I was just telling him about The Dark Reunion."
Your conversation was cut short due to class starting and you forgot to ask for his name.

~ Time skip to after school ~

"Y/n!!" The blue haired teen - you found out his name is Kaidou - came over to you with his group of friends. "Do you want to get some ramen with us?"
"Sure!" You answered after coming to the conclusion that becoming closer to him and his friends to earn his trust would be beneficial for your mission.


I made a Spotify playlist based on this a while ago check it out if you want

I made a Spotify playlist based on this a while ago check it out if you want

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Kaidou Shun X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now