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Thursday the 8th of May, 2003

Ceridwen, what an exotic name, was sitting at a table in Starbucks sipping her tea from time to time. She was grading some tests and thought to herself "these people are so stupid" but then she came across Ed Sheeran's test. She didn't even have to read it and wrote 20/20 and OUTSTANDING!!!!! What? He was her prodigy and her child. It might be surprising but Ed called her "mom" the day before. She sipped her tea again and she sensed that someone was watching her so she raised her head and saw someone glancing at her while reading a book and smoking.
It's Timothée Chalamet!!!!, she thought. She grabbed all of her papers quickly, threw them into her bag and ran as fast as she could out of the coffee shop, but Timothée Chalamet was in love with her so he followed her. He felt weird being the stalker as he usually was the one being stalked, but he thought to himself "ooh she's different". He was right, she wasn't like other girls.
Ceridwen, who had stopped running for quite a long time, was sitting on a bench eating a pretzel.
Timothée approached her carefully and asked her who Nicki Minaj was.
He had read her name on one of her graded papers next to a big 0/20. YOU CAN DO BETTER! Ceridwen didn't even raise her head when she responded "Nicki Minaj is like this person that's just there yaknow". Timothée laughed, a beautiful laugh, like angels singing. She then looked up and spat her pretzel right into the famous actor's face. The only sounds that came out of her mouth were small quacks. Then she exclaimed "timo-thééeeeee CHALAMET!!!!!!". Timothée laughed again. Ceridwen, being more embarrassed than ever, turned as red as a tomato and giggled awkwardly. Ceridwen told him she was a huge fan and showed him the Timothée Chalamet shirt she was wearing
She also told him that she was really glad that he and Lily-Rose Depp broke up. Timothée smiled and said that he broke up with her because she frowned all the time.
They talked for a long time. When Ceridwen looked at her watch she realized she was late to class. Her students can wait, she thought, and it's not like they are going to be sad about not having their test. Little did she know, the paparazzi were taking pictures of Timothée and her together. After getting TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET's number, she went home.

Friday the 9th of May, 2003

Ceridwen woke up in the morning, drank her black morning tea, and got ready for work. This morning, she was happy and carefree.
She went to school singing Mortelle Adèle's latest song. Did I forget to mention she was her number one fan?
She was so happy she didn't notice all her students eyeing her weirdly. Justin Bieber walked up to her and asked "What are you doing with Timothée Chalamet on the news?". Ceridwen looked at her with wide eyes and stayed silent. Justin was about to ask again but the bell rang and he ran away, leaving the now famous English teacher alone.
Ceridwen took her phone out of her pocket and opened Fox news, her favourite news source. She opened an article called "Timothée Chalamet's new love?". On it were pictures taken the day she met Timothée Chalamet. They had also edited photos of her and Timothée drinking black tea with straws from the same cup. It was kind of cute.
Someone called her while she was in the middle of teaching. Her students were surprised because her ringtone was a really vulgar song by Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga called "Wet Ass Butt" or "WAB" for short.
She picked up her phone, still embarrassed by her ringtone and was greeted with a "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SWORN ENEMY!!!!!!!". She knew who it was, it was her sister.
Her sister hated Timothée Chalamet because a few years before, her sister, who worked in Louis Vuitton, had to design his clothes for a red carpet event. He ripped his clothing for a stunt without meaning to insult the person that made it but her sister still hated him with all her might. Of course, Timothée had no idea.
While she was being yelled at, Ceridwen realized that whatever was going on between her and Timothée had to stay a secret.
She was so caught up in listening to her sister rambling that she didn't notice someone putting a lot of green tea in her teacup. Everyone knows that green tea is a dangerous substance that could drain your blood from the inside if you ever drank it but because Ceridwen wasn't paying attention to her tea (something that is very rare), she drank the tea.
She could tell it was different than the usual one but because she let her colleague Olyvia do it for her, she didn't say anything and continued to drink it. It tasted really bad though.
An hour later, she was feeling very sick, she was paler than usual and her whole body felt numb. She ignored it and continued to teach her stupid students. She was feeling worse and worse until she passed out on her desk while slamming her ruler against the table and yelling at Princess Sofia to stop being a princess. Her students didn't know what to do so they yelled at the top of their lungs. Adele's cries stood out from everyone else's because the cries were actually hiccups.
No one knew what to do because they were so stupid so they just waited around. Because of that Ceridwen lost a lot of blood.
When she regained consciousness she was in a hospital room and Timothée Chalamet was sitting on the bed.
"What happened?", she asked.
Timothée looked her in the eyes and said "Someone put green tea in your teacup."
Ceridwen gasped. "How am I still alive?"
"Your blood type is O+, like mine. I gave you my blood."
"THANK YOU!!!" She exclaimed. But then, she stopped moving.
"Who could do that to me?"
".....I don't know."
Ceridwen was about to talk again but she was interrupted by James Bond, the chief of police, who entered her hospital room. James Bond wanted to catch the culprit so he asked Ceridwen. "Do you know anyone who wants to harm you?"
She replied she knew no one and Timothée said with a guilty look that it might be because of him.
"Why?" She asked.
"Well, some of my fans are so jealous of my partners that they try to kill them."
Ceridwen stayed silent for a while.
"...but I'm not your girlfriend", she finally said.
The actor turned crimson red "the media thinks you are... and I was hoping", and then he stopped.
Seeing him in this flustered state made Ceridwen's heart melt.
There was a BIG silence, then James said that he had to go because someone was dead somewhere.
After Bond, James Bond, left, Timothée said ''Now that it's just us I've been meaning to ask you something''
''What is it? '' asked Ceridwen
Timothée said ''I know it's just May right now, but would you like to spend Christmas with my family?"

Monday the 11th of December, 2023

Ceridwen woke up and looked at her alarm clock, it was the eleventh of December, it was her birthday. She stretched and looked around her.
She was about to get up but Timothée and their daughter Selena entered the room with a platter in their hands.
Selena said ''Happy birthday mom! Here is your present, although it's a bit ruined because of Chewbacca the chihuahua" Timothée gave her her breakfast. The breakfast looked massive, ot contained tea from her advent calendar, a glass of grapefruit juice with a slice of orange the colour of Donald Trump's skin.
There were eggs, french toast, beans, tomatoes, sausages from her boyfriend's advent calendar, and cereal. It was a massive breakfast.
Seeing Timothée take out three forks and knives from his pocket reassured her, she knew she couldn't eat that much. But then, Timothée left their room and came back with two other massive breakfasts. After she finished the breakfast Timothée offered to accompany her to her work.
When they reached the middle school Ceridwen couldn't help but feel sad that her birthday was on a Monday and that she had to spend most of her day with stupid dumb idiots.
When they reached the school, Timothée kissed her on the cheek and told her goodbye, but what Ceridwen didn't know was that Charli D'Amelio was taking pictures of her with the famous actor. Before Ceridwen could see her, she hid behind the Italian week panel that was still in the lobby, even though Italian week had ended weeks ago.
Ceridwen walked into the lobby and said hello to the principle. She was actually pretty intimidated by her superior but kept her head high and went to the teacher's lounge.
There, sitting in the corner of the room where the cool people (her friends) sat were her friends chatting about how Mr. Reynolds was such a hard worker. She sat between Mr. O'Keefe and Mr. Lil.
She changed the topic of their conversation to how stupid her students were. M. O'Keefe, who was tired of her complaining about her students, in particular Nicki Minaj, asked Ceridwen about her love life.
Ceridwen said Timothée was amazing, great, cool and was about to go on this huge tangent about how annoying it was to keep everything a secret when the bell rang and she had to go teach the same fucking students from 20 years ago because they were half-witted, idiotic imbeciles.
When she entered the class everyone was looking at her except Nicki Minaj and Ed Sheeran who were fighting over who had better grades and Taylor Swift who was looking at them with a lot of interest and screaming "FIGHT! FIGHT!"
Ceridwen was really anxious because all these thirty something year olds were looking at her as if she had committed a crime.
Charli d'Amelio asked Ceridwen if she was hiding something from them and Ceridwen said ''no obviously not'' but then Charli confirmed her worst fears and told her that she saw Timothée dropping her off at school today.
"You're lying!", Ceridwen cried out
Charli took out a picture of her partner kissing her on the cheek outside the school.
Ceridwen started freaking out but she calmed herself down.
She took a deep breath and said
"It's true I am in a relationship with Timothée Chalamet, we have a daughter together and we have been dating for 20 years".
What Ceridwen didn't know was that her sister, Timothée's arch nemesis, was right outside the door because she wanted to wish her a happy birthday but when she heard what Ceridwen had said she couldn't believe it. She kicked the door open and screamed at her.
Ceridwen wasn't shocked by what her sister had said, she knew that her sister would find out eventually, she understood her sister's point of view and understood her sister's reaction, but she had the right to be happy too.
"Can't you be happy for me?", she asked her in a soft voice.
Her students were watching this encounter with a lot of interest. Nicki Minaj and Ed Sheeran stopped fighting and were looking at them smiling.
After a very long silence her sister responded ".......yes, I'm sorry I lashed out"
She hugged Ceridwen and left the classroom saying she will let her teach her class.
When she left the classroom though her hands turned into fists and she mumbled "Timothée you don't know what's coming for you..."

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