"You're not wearing your cap today" Aurora pointed out as they got into the car. It was always attached to his head whenever he wasn't at home and if you didn't live with him you'd believe he never took the fucking thing off.
"It's in me pocket, I didn't think you'd appreciate me wearing it throughout the ceremony and for the photos" He answered to which Aurora hummed approvingly, in favour of his decision.
"You're right, it hides your eyes. Makes you unreadable, I'd rather be able to see what you're thinking"
"And what am I thinking mouse?" Tommy enquired raising his hand to press the push button to start the car only for Aurora to reach out and stop him "You orright love?"
"I'm not sure what you're thinking Tom but I'm thinking we've got a bit of spare time to put to use" Aurora winked with a cheeky grin and laughing in his throat, Tommy pulled her hand and guided her towards him.
"Well you better hurry up and get 'ere Mrs Shelby before they send out a search party"
Lifting her dress and veil, Aurora brought her legs either side of him and settled into his lap. The space was tight but it would do, it appeared to be more comfortable than doing it in a stable like they had at the last wedding. Lifting her dress further up her legs, Tommy began to soothingly stroke her thighs, playing with the clasps that kept her stockings perfectly placed, resisting the urge to add more pressure and rip them at the seams. He wasn't a man who appreciated stockings, Tommy liked to feel her skin in his hands with nothing to come between them. There was nothing he loved more than her soft warm flesh in his grasp.
Taking his chin in her hand, Aurora kissed him, slow and sweet wanting to take her time in their rush to finish and get to the club. To Aurora Tommy's kisses were one of her favourite things along with his hands. They made her feel the most loved. Anyone can fuck but it was the smallest intimacies that mattered most to her especially being with someone who was incredibly distant when it came to the world.

"You're very naughty mouse" Tommy muttered against her lips as his fingers ran between her thighs and made contact with the soft curls that rested there "Where are your knickers?"
"I decided I wouldn't need them today" She shrugged placing a kiss on his nose, her hands making their way down his waist coat until she felt the button of his pants and began to loosen it.
"Planned to get fucked love?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, drinking in her moans, his thumb lightly circling her clit, the pressure unmoving and deliciously slow. Aurora would crumble above him before they had even begun.
"Yes, it's me wedding day after all. Tradition is key"
With her hand wrapped around Tommy's cock, Aurora lifted herself up and guided him inside with ease, a soft sigh leaving the back of her throat as he filled her completely. Not wanting to waste more time, Aurora rocked against him, her fists clutching his shirt and her lips placed against shell of his ear.
"Yes Tom, I've missed this" She hissed feeling his grip on her hips tighten, guiding her above him yet she relished in the control she now had over him.
"You had me yesterday mornin' Mrs Shelby" Tommy humoured, the blood rushing through his head causing his ears to ring as he did everything to focus on her own pleasure rather than his own. She was breathtaking, a vision in her wedding dress and veil, the sun illuminating her from behind forming a halo around her head.
"Say it again Tom!" Aurora begged, her eyes now focused on his lips willing them to move again and say the words she so longed to hear. A feeling of pride washed over Tommy knowing exactly which words she meant. It left him with no doubts that she had wanted to marry him and hadn't felt forced to do so.
"Say what Mrs Shelby?" He teased bringing his lips to the base of her throat as she let out a loud satisfied moan.
"Fuck Tommy!" She all but cried out, slamming her hips down on him, pleasure rippling through her causing her body to tingle.
She no longer cared if they were late, everyone could wait a while longer.

"Where are they? They're late!" Johnny Dogs exclaimed, his hands placed on his hips in disappointment. His eyes never left the entrance "It's been over a fuckin' hour!"
"They didn't listen to your advice Johnny, they're fucking in the snow after all" Jane answered taking a long drink of her wine, her eyes falling down to the sleeping child laid across the chairs beside her. Even Charlie had become too bored to stay awake while they waited for the married couple.
"Too cold" Finn frowned hoping it wasn't true. Who could be brave enough to fuck in the snow, they'd only end up cold and soaked.
"I don't think they care at the moment baby Shelby, they're floating above the clouds in happiness" Jane remarked with a small shrug handing one of her drinks to the youngest Shelby "Ere, get that down you! We're celebrating today!"
Patiently they all waited for Aurora and Tommy, all except Johnny who had taken to pacing, a bounce in his step as he went. The man didn't want to start without them, it was their party and it felt rude not to wait for them to get here to begin the celebrations.
"I think they're here! I think they're here!" He shouted loudly after a few moments, clapping his hands together as the couple finally came into view and appeared in the entrance like royalty about to be received by their subjects. A chorus of cheers rang out and with a roll of his eyes, Johnny placed his hands back on his hips "And what time do you call this? You're not wet from the bleeding snow so where have you two been?"
"I didn't think this was an interrogation Johnny" Aurora laughed, her hand holding tightly into Tommy's. The club looked incredible. All the betting tables and gambling stations had been put away. The tables had been arranged to line up with one another, decorated by white silk held down by vases filled with white tulips. The middle of the floor remained clear in order for dancing space and the normally upbeat music was now soft and light. The club was almost unrecognisable, taken over by the view of a perfectly placed wedding reception.
"There's more places than the snow to fuck Johnny" Tommy answered, clearing his throat as he guided Aurora into the seat next to Jane, smiling down at Charlie as he passed him.
"Goodness!" Mrs Finley gasped over George's laughter, her hand placed on her heart in horror. When had being intimate became so open? It seems these days people were never shy to talk about it.
"Sorry Mrs Finley, I'll try and stop Tommy from traumatising you further although m'certain you've had your own adventures outside" Aurora jested boldly causing another gasp to leave Mrs Finley before she threw Aurora a wink.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean child"

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