Chapter 94

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The turmoil in the flower hall ended with the suspension of the two young ladies of the Su family. Su Junlan did not change after repeated teachings. She closed the ancestral hall for two days before being pressed by her mother-in-law and returned to her yard for confinement.

Although Lin Ying was not punished, she did not go out in Yuyingxuan. She didn't talk much since she came back, and Chen Xi didn't know how to comfort her.

"Sister Ying, if you are unhappy, go back with me. I will stay in Yangzhou for a few days. If you change your mind, you can send a maid to find me at any time. Yunzhou will always be your home." Chen Xi After leaving Su Mansion, leave a note behind.

Lin Ying sat in the water pavilion, holding her knees and staring at the note in a daze, no one knew what she was thinking.

Chen Xi took the carriage of Su Mansion and returned to the inn. The two boxes she had brought with her were empty when she came out of Su Mansion. Those boxes were meant to be given to Lin Ying. Now that she has less luggage, her heart is heavy.

"Sister Xi, are you back?" Xu Chang was sitting in the lobby of the inn drinking tea with a few stewards, and when he saw Chen Xi, he called her with a smile. This time the business is going well, and it should be able to make a lot of money.

Nothing went wrong this time. Sister Xi's credit is not small. Xu Chang said: "I bought some gadgets for you and sent them to your room. Go see if you like it or not."

Chen Xi reluctantly smiled: "Uncle, grandmother and aunt, have you forgotten their share?" In the Su family, Mrs. Su felt that Mrs. Su was partial. In fact, the Xu family was also the same. Why didn't the aunt not feel that the uncle and grandmother treated her to her? Prefer too much?

It's just that the contradictions of the Xu family are not so obvious. Yuyan is still young and has a pure temperament, so she doesn't care about it.

Chen Xi already felt a little uneasy in his heart. The problem at my uncle's house is really not small. On the one hand, my aunt is dissatisfied with her because of the last dispute. On the other hand, if Chen Xi's dream is true, Brother Heng...

Unfortunately, since that time, Chen Xi has never had a similar dream again. If she can see more details, she will know how to start.

Thinking about it carefully, in the dream, Brother Heng was about fifteen years old, and he was already a handsome young man. It seems that Chen Xi has enough time to prevent the tragedy of Brother Heng from happening.

Maybe... she can start by brainwashing her uncle. Chen Xi looked thoughtfully at Xu Chang who was sitting in the crowd, and returned to his room.

For dinner, Xu Chang deliberately resigned from the dinner party and wanted to take Chen Xi to a famous restaurant in Yangzhou to have a taste. Chen Xi finished grooming and followed Xu Chang out of the inn.

She sat in the carriage, arranging her hair accessories with some annoyance. I didn't think Xia He's role was great in the Chen family before, but now I have to do everything myself, and Chen Xi realized the difficulty of not having anyone around.

On the road, Chen Xi has always tied up all his hair and put it on the top of his head as a men's hairstyle. Before going to Su Mansion, I asked the woman from the inn to help me get a simple double-handed sword.

Now that she is in a hurry to go out, she is purely fiddling, and the gold-inlaid jade butterfly hair accessory is stuck in her hair. She gets on the carriage and wants to take it off and arrange it, but finds that the hair accessory has been entangled with a few strands of hair. Together, the more organized the more chaotic.

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