Prologue- Abandoned by an Husband

Start from the beginning

"Sleep well, my angel," She whispered, shutting the door as she saw her oldest daughter with a cuddly purple snake.

'Oh Oro, my snake. What are you doing that is so essential to miss dinner and putting the kids to sleep at 7: 30 pm.' She thought as she headed to her bedroom.

When she arrived at her and Orochimaru's bedroom, which was painted simply black and purple, at the same time, the furniture matched the wall being black and purple as well.

Kasumi walked towards the dresser to grab some pajamas when her attention was drawn to a picture on top of the dresser.

It was a picture of a five-year-old boy with pale skin. He also had short raven hair and golden snake eyes. He wore a dark red high-collar shirt covering his neck with the Uchiha symbol on his shoulder. He also had dark blue shorts. The boy was none other than Ryu Uchiha, their oldest son, who with missing one night

'Oh Ryu, where are you are? Your father and I miss you. Even if he doesn't always look at like it with that personality of his, but as his wife, I can see it.' Kasumi thought as she stared at the picture for a few minutes before grabbing pajamas and putting them on.

After getting dressed and ready for bed, she got into her bed and started to drift off to sleep.


Kasumi was sleeping peacefully in bed when a shadowy figure appeared in the room, making her shift in her sleeping.

"Huh?" She whispered.

The figure walked over to the bed and touched her forehead. Kasumi then drifted entirely back to sleep.

"I'm sorry, my Uchiha princess," The figure whispered."I love you, but sadly I just can't stay," The shadowy figure said, leaving a note under the pillow.

'I hope you forgive me one day, but for now, your snake must go.' He thought as he disappeared back into the shadows of the night.


The following day Kasumi woke up to tapping on her window.

"Hm?" Kasumi said, confused, as she sat up in bed.

She turned towards her window and saw an anbu with blonde hair wearing a fox mask.

'Hm, what could be needed from me this early morning?' She thought as she looked at the anbu outside.

Kasumi yawned and got off the bed, and walked over to the window, and opened it.

"Hey, Sora, what's up at this hour of the morning?" She asked.

"When I'm wearing the mask, it's a yellow fox," Sora said.

"Where alone? There's no need for that," She sighed.

"Oh, whatever, Lord Third summoned you," Sora stated.

"Alright, tell him I will be there soon," Kasumi said."I just need to get changed into something else."

"Sure thing I let him know," Sora replied, jumping down from the window porch or deck.

After he was gone, Kasumi shut the window na started to walk toward the dresser. She noticed a note under her pillow.

"A note?" Kasumi said, confused.

She picked it up and saw a snake print on it. "Hm, why did Oro leave a note? He usually is here in the morning. Maybe he had to leave early. "

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