Castiel was giving him an askance look, like he's trying to see right to the core of him.

Dean cleared his throat. "It'll make sense, Cas, once you start talking to the witnesses. Trust me."

"I always do, Dean." Castiel said, swallowing slowly. "And I always will."

Sam was so used to this sort of heart on the sleeve sentiment from Castiel to Dean, it doesn't even register. He air drops the contact details for a couple of witnesses to Castiel's phone and they hit the streets.

* * * * *

The first guy is a musician who busks on the piers. Castiel stands back, looking pretty out of place in his casual outfit as Sam and Dean do the FBI agents' strut in their creased suits.

"He just stood there and listened to me play 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door'. He was real still and quiet. I seriously thought he was wearing a wicked cool mask. But when he stepped into the street light I could see him licking his muzzle."

"Could have been fancy animatronics," Dean said skeptically.

"It wasn't, he was flesh and blood and, uh, fur, big soft mane too," the singer insisted. "I know because he came up to me, picked up my hand and put it on his cheek."

"Did he try to attack you?" Sam asked.

"No, not at all, look, it's a little embarrassing so I didn't mention this part on my facebook post," the young man blushed. "He kind of just leaned into my hand and purred. Then he licked my face."

"Where I come from, a lion does that, he's taste testing dinner, you know," Dean remarked.

"No, he wasn't going to eat me," the witness gave them a challenging flash of defiant green eyes. "He wouldn't hurt me, he was just lonely."

"I am surprised by that observation," Castiel piped up all of a sudden. "Why wouldn't he want to eat you, you look delectable."

The guy they were talking to leaned over to checkout Castiel, taking in the ruffled hair, straight backed posture and innocent good looks. He smiled broadly at Castiel and the angel let out a quiet little "oh".

"Don't mind him, he's still in training. We don't even let him wear the suit," Dean stepped between them, literally body blocking Castiel from the man's interested glance.

Sam narrowed his own eyes. Now that Dean was standing next to the busker, something about the two men was intriguing. They were of a similar height and build, medium brown hair. The musician was maybe a few years younger, his face still more big eyes and long lashes than Dean's more masculine look, but still, there was an undeniable resemblance. Sam filed that one away under 'weird' and 'dwell on that later."

As they walked away, the young Dean (as Sam was now calling him in his head) ran after them.

"Hey, wait a second, dudes," he came jogging up to Castiel, bending a little at the knees so he could smile up at the angel's face. "Uh, my name is David and I truly have never done this ever, but I just feel this weird connection with you man, so uh, here's a flier for my next gig, maybe you will come along?"

Castiel gave David a blinking smile and pocketed the piece of paper.

As they walked down the boardwalk, Dean said to Castiel "Give me that flier." Castiel complied willingly. Dean gave it a casual glance, went 'pfft' disdainfully, balled it up and tossed it over his shoulder.

"You threw my only means of contacting that young man into the sea, Dean," Castiel frowned.

"Yeah I did, Cas, you don't need that hipster acoustic crap in your life okay?" Dean was strolling so fast, head down, not meeting Sam's eyes.

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