Like A Prayer

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The gold Continental was parked under a street light in the first petrol station off the freeway into Venice, L.A.. Sam drove them in and parked alongside Castiel's wheels. Whilst went to use the amenities, Dean got out of the Impala. He could see Castiel slumped in the front seat, face tilted towards the window, eyes closed and dreaming. They'd hit traffic on the way into the city and now at almost midnight even the mild West Coast autumn night was a little chilly. Dean could see that the driver's side window was a little fogged up where the angel was exhaling. It was a reminder of just how human Cas was now, after falling from the skies.

Dean just stood there for a couple of seconds taking in the handsome careworn face, yeah Cas was good looking but that didn't explain the insistent little ache that Dean felt in his chest, the little hollow plummet in his gut, every time he saw Cas. Dean's somewhat frozen in the spot as he watched Castiel sleep until Sam came back, gave Dean a quizzical look and went to knock on the window. Castiel squinted as he woke, scrunching his face up and wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. And gesture which Dean found unaccountably endearing.

When Castiel turned his head to look at Dean, Dean got that standing in a lift going down fast feeling. Dean cleared his throat and waited for Castiel to say hello first. It was Sammy who swept Cas up in a nice-to-see you hug. Dean gave him a nod which Castiel returned mutely. Sam was already sensing the awkwardness pouring off of Dean and the fact that strangely enough the same weirdness was reflecting right back from the angel. To forestall any question from Sam, Dean made himself sidle up close enough to give Castiel a pat on the back. Castiel's coat felt even softer than he remembered, the cotton turned silky by daily wear and all the cheap detergent in coin-op laundromats. The temptation to feel just how soft and warm the fabric over Cas' shoulders were was almost overwhelming.

"I'm afraid I need to hitch a ride with you guys," Castiel began to say. "My alternator has given out and the repair shop says no replacement parts will be available till the morning."

"Dean can look at it for you, he's done most of the work on the Impala," Sam was eager to help. "We can get the parts you need from the auto mart when they open tomorrow. You'll save a lot of money that way."

"That would be fiscally responsible," Castiel agreed. "But I would hate to impose on you socially."

"Dean, tell Cas it's cool, he's using big angel words with me," Sam smiled, eyes warm.

"Sam, am sure Cas can look after that car himself, I don't wanna cramp his style," Dean said. He wasn't sure he could handle Cas being around right now, the urge to just grab him and tell him to never ever go away again like never was so strong it freaked Dean right out.

"Dean!" Sam was whispering and giving him one of his unimpressed looks. "Come here a minute."

Castiel watched the two brothers confer in heated whispers.

"Dean, I don't know what's going on with you and him," Sam hissed exasperatedly. "But you gotta stop treating your angel like some disposable, invulnerable, celestial call-by-the-hour escort with wings. He drove for days and days to help un-demon you, put his life on the line tracking down Cain, took care of the blade. I mean, seriously, what's Cas supposed to do to show you he's on your side. Move heaven and earth? Oh wait! He's been there and done that, twice or more, I lost count."

Dean was holding his hands up in a pacifying gesture. "Okay, okay, wow, Sammy, that one been stewing with you for long?"

"I'm not done!" Sam was getting righteously angry now. "You have to take care of him a little too you know. He's human! Look at him, can't you see the bags under his eyes, how much older does he look since the day you met him? Did you know Cas has been sleeping in his car and cutting down on food because he doesn't like defrauding credit cards since Thou Shalt Not Steal is kind of part of his family values? I know this stuff because I asked! I text him, I call him, he's the only person in the world who loves you as much as I do and you just gotta reciprocate a little okay."

Like A Virgin / Like A Prayer (destiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now