Chapter 7

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"Please don't start with this again, John B." You plead. The two of you were on your way back to his house, where you'd meet the rest of the pogues to have a quick day on the water before heading to the Midsummer's party. You'd thought the two of you had put arguing about Rafe behind you, but obviously it still bothered John B. All Rafe had done was sent a text message of the plans; He was going to pick you up at your house around 5 and then head to the party. You had been getting ready and asked John B to read the message and it sent him into jealousy mode.

"I just don't like it, Malwina! I don't like the idea of you going as his date." John B argues from the driver's seat.

"I know that, John B but it's just a stupid party and I'm not going as his date. We've talked about this."

He rolls his eyes, "I just don't see why he asked you to go. He could have asked anyone else, but why did it have to be you?"

You throw your hands up in frustration, "Oh my god, I don't fucking know! If you don't want me to go, then I won't go!"

"No, you go ahead and go Malwina. You've already got a dress and he's paid for your seat."

"Then please, can we stop arguing about this?" He pulls into his driveway, the pogues standing around waiting. "I want this to be a good day." You turn to face him in the seat as he pulls the van into park. He gives you a short nod before getting out of the van and slamming the door.

"trouble in paradise?" JJ asks as John B storms by him, heading for the dock.

You take a deep breath, trying not to cry before getting out of the van, "You guys ready for a nice relaxing day?" You put a smile on your face as you walk up to them.

❦ ❦

"So, I have some exciting news to tell you guys!" You smile. John B had found a spot to anchor and you figured it would be the perfect time to tell them.

"What is it?" Kie asks.

"You're pregnant?" JJ announces, "Oh wait, we already knew that." He chuckles and everyone else joins in.

You look at John B, who walks up behind you, slipping his arm around your waist. He'd finally calmed down. "I found out what I'm having."

"Please tell me it's a boy." Pope groans, his fingers crossed. JJ doing the same thing, "We need another boy." JJ adds.

You look at Kie, smiling, "It's a girl!"

She squeals, wrapping her arms around you, "Yes!"

You laugh, returning her hug. Pope and JJ groan, "Not another girl." Pope says.

"I'm so happy." Kie pulls away, "Another girl for the pogues, finally. Oh, this is so exciting. We can go shopping and dress her up all the time." She claps her hands looking at Pope and JJ who roll their eyes.

"I was hoping for another boy to even out the pogues." JJ says.

"Told you Kie would be excited." John B says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to him and kissing your temple.

❦ ❦

You put the finishing touches on your makeup and add some more hairspray to your hair.

"Can you get my dress for me?" You point to your closet.

John B nods, swinging his feet off the bed and walking to your closet, grabbing the dress and coming over to you, "How long will you guys be there tonight?"

You shrug, standing and slipping off your robe, unzipping your dress, "I'm not sure." You step into your dress, pulling it up your body and turning around so John B can zip it up.

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