The First Henituse Museum

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Bam- bam bam- bam bam- bam bam- 
(Just imagine there was a 20th Century Fox Intro playing in the background.)

The high quality built-in stereo system, which did not require magic to function, made sure that sound and music can be delivered in high consistency and clarity throughout the whole 3-story building (Promotion of the Sekka Tech's products was non intentional). The meticulous founder of the museum, Clopeh Sekka, will make sure that the Henituse Museum which was located in the capital of Roan was well equipped with his smart and convenient inventions. 

Yes, Clopeh was the best person in charge to manage and organize the documentary and collection related to Cale and friends. In addition, Alberu was the one fully funding the construction and maintenance of the building since the hard working party was extremely thrilled about the idea of seeing their history being exhibited, especially the children of averaging ten years old (You know there were lots of Cale simps in the novel). So, Cale really had no reason to continue his objection against the museum proposal since Clopeh had offered all the donations and entrance fee to be transferred into Cale's party collective fund as the royalty payment.

On the ground floor, the white hair knight wearing a silver formal suit was standing in the center of the crowd. 

"Our honored guests, welcome to the opening ceremony of our very first Henituse Museum!"

The event had invited 40 guests comprising a mix of humans, dark beings, and beast people. Befitting the concept of the museum, where the legends of uniting all races and species were being exhibited. Limited people were invited today to check the security system of the museum.

Clopeh, the organizer of the event had begun the ceremony with a speech. The dashing knight of the Paerun Kingdom had captivated the audience with his charisma and stage presence. Every pair of eyes were focusing on Clopeh. Nobody would have known that this person was the same lunatic, who had been crazily worshipping Cale as his god. 

"To those who are unable to join us in the museum today, do not worry. Live recording of the whole museum tour will be broadcasted throughout the whole continent for you to join us online!"

He raised his hands toward the live video recorders that were hovering in the air, capturing every angle of the event in the room. The video recorders were made in a way that none of the magic devices or magic was capable to record or copy the live content being broadcasted (Clopeh's strategy for advertising the museum).

"And for those in the room, you'll be given a directory map and a token of the museum as souvenirs. There are refreshments on every floor, do help yourselves. Now, let us start our little tour with the famous battle in the Henituse territory!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

After ending his speech, the temporary staff employed from the mercenary guild were distributing the souvenirs to the guests. Clopeh then professionally guide the crowd toward a first section as he started the storytelling of a legend to his audience.

"This is the starting point of the journey for our great heroes of Roan. The large scale war against the Northern Alliance's Wywern knights brigade! Those legendary wyverns were controlled by the great knights brigade of Paerun. After the Henituse won the war, they are a great addition to our legendary heroes, the Cale's Party! The short version of the battle, highlighting all the main scenes will be played shortly. Enjoy."

Ironically, the first section was the defeat of Clopeh. But he amazingly introduced the whole legend in an exciting tone. True to his title, the top worshipper who was proud of every achievement of his god. The audience was attentively listening to Clopeh with occasional nodding and exclamation as they watched the video being played.

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