He looks down at your hands than up to your eyes "Its just scary sometimes, and then we have my family asking me to shift when they need something and I can't just turn them down cause I'm afraid" You stay still and stare at him as he starts telling you his fear "I noticed that I am needed and important in this family its just that people only need me when its not me, My family only needs me when I'm someone else.."

You stared at him a second before speaking "Will it help if I say that I don't want you to shift when you're with me?"


"Listen," You began "When you're with me, I won't expect you to shift into anyone, and therefore you do not need to shift when you're with me" You explained "In a way I could lessen your fear, Cause I need you, just you, just Camilo, not someone else"

He stares at you before hugging you, you flinched at first surprised before hugging him back "I never thought I needed to hear until you said it"

"Is that a yes?" You asked and he nods "You're ok" You whispered and held him closer "To me your Camilo, the boy who protected me from my nightmares, I don't need you to shift for me, ok?"

He nods, trying to stop the tears (that were already trailing down his cheeks) "Ok, Thank you"

It was a while but both of you moved to his bed, with you sitting by the end of the bed, crossed leg as he sits crossed leg by the head you both hugging a pillow

He enjoys your company, he learns that now when you make him laugh for the nth time. Not once have you asked him to shift afterwards, even when he said the most stupidest joke (he didn't expect you to laugh) that made you laugh that you were currently gasping for air for

He wanted to stay like this with you, it was calming, familiar even that he was thankful to have met you. Until the sound of bell filled the air

"Is that the dinner bell?"

"Yeah" He says disappointed "Its time for dinner"

You hopped off his bed and wore your slippers "Alright lets go"

He nods and follows after you, "I'll come and stay by the nursery with you 'till you fall asleep" He announces

"You don't have to," You chuckle "I can sleep by myself"

"I just want to talk to you a bit more, Bonita"

"Again with the bonita?" You asked "What does that even mean?"

He laughs and opens the door before you "Take a guess"

Pepa leaves her room to go to dinner when she spots Camilo leave his room too, she raises her hand to call out to him so they can go to the dining room together until she notices him hold the door open and you walk out, saying something she can't quite make out, it must've been funny cause Camilo laughs at your words making you frown and say something. She watches her son talk animatedly, moving his hands about to explain it to you

You stopped and placed a hand on his chest stopping him from moving, before speaking and he replies, she watches as you smiled mischievously before saying something that makes Camilo stop moving and stare at you as you quickly jogged away before Camilo can say something back

Pepa watched the interaction from afar, confused "It can't all be a coincidence can it?"

Its been seven or Eight months since you've lived with the Madrigals, You've gotten used to them as much as they've gotten used to you, especially Mirabel and Camilo, the two people who are closest in age to you

"Camilo!" You called out the newly seventeen year old after spotting him entertaining some of the other fifteen year olds with his shifting

He turns to look at you, he was currently shifted as one of the guys in the group and he was surprised when you approached him "How can you tell its me?"

I know its you //Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now