You spun around, looking for a stick and moving to draw a likeness of the flowers you like on the ground

You watch as Isabela tries to figure out what the flower it may be and she gasps "Orange mock?"

You're eyes light up "Yes! That's what they're called!"

She chuckles and cups her hand a bouquet of Orange Mocks appeared out of no where as she hands them to you

You gasped and happily accepted the gift "Thank you! They're so pretty!"

She hums a bit unsatisfied with the display before waving her hand over your head adoring your head with orange mocks. She nods as if satisfied "There, all better, These are my get well soon gifts"

You bowed "thank you"

She smiles at you and Mirabel "I need to go now, be careful, you two" She hums and turns to leave

Once she was out of sight and ear shot you turned to look at Mirabel "You have a pretty sister"

She snorts

"Antonio has chores?" You asked surprised at the sight of the young boy who spoke to chickens asking them to return to their pens

Mirabel hums "Yeah, everyone does, why?"

"Didn't expect him to have chores is all." You admitted "Like, he's what? Five?"

"He's Six"

"Close enough," You shrugged "But the point is isn't he to young to have chores?"

"Everyone gets chores, the Madrigals chores are ways where our gifts can be put to good use" Mirabel began explaining "I have chores, and so does my dad and Tio Felix"


"Antonio's dad" She clarifies "The point is its how we give back"

"Everyone?" You asked

She nods "Everyone"

You were silent as you think of what to say and do "Mirabel" You began no longer walking and she stops beside you at her name "Can you take me to Abuela?"

"Y/n" Abuela says when you and Mirabel walked in "What brings you here?"

You swallowed, clasping your hands infront of you and bowed "I would like to ask for a favor"

"What kind of favor?" She asks raising an eyebrow at the question

"I wanted to ask if I can do chores to"

That caught her off guard not expecting you to willingly volunteer for that "What made you ask?"

"Mirabel was telling me about the family when I felt like I should have chores too." You began "I am willing to help with anything, if I can do it. I can clean the house" You suggested and then squeaked when you saw the window blinds moving on its own, making you look at Mirabel "Your house moves" You said unsure yourself

"Yeah, Casita does" Mirabel answers


"The house"

You licked your lip "Right"

Abuela laughs at the interaction "I am thankful of the offer Y/n"

"I am not ok with sleeping and eating here without helping" You cut off "Please, let me help"

She nod, finally relenting "Ok, if you are so sure, you can help Mirabel with her chores and anyone else that might need it ok?"

You nod, happy "Thank you"

I know its you //Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now