Second Chance In Life

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"Master! Master!"

You heard a faint voice somewhere.

"Master, wake up!"

You unintentionally furrowed your brows, slightly turning your head left and right, wanting to stop the voice.

"Oh gosh, is something wrong?! She should've been awake for hours now..."

You finally had the strength to open your heavy lids. The little... ball of light..(?) was spinning in circles over your laid form excitedly.

"Ooh, master, you're finally awake! You know you almost made me had a heart attack, wait... who am I kidding! I don't even have a heart... Anyways,  I was so scared of what might've happened to yo-"

"...Woah, chill out. You don't gotta spin like crazy and rap like Eminem... Wait, what master are you talking about? Who are you and WHERE THE HECK AM I?"

"Wait, calm down! Let me explain... I'm number 520. You're in a safe place right now, I can't explain much to you since this place is said to be kept as a secret. Anyways, you're basically dead. Well, not exactly dead, but you're in a coma, in a REALLY bad state and could basically die anytime. I took pity on you and decided that you'll be my master from now on."

You scanned your surroundings after hearing what it said. Indeed, the place doesn't look dangerous at all, instead, it's decorated beautifully, kind of what you'd hope for in a cottage-core house. A pretty cozy place to be in.

"Uhm, okay, that's A LOT to take in... Wait, why am I talking and moving freely then? Could it be that I'm basically a ghost now!? AND WHAT'S WITH THE MASTER THING?"

"Well, I borrowed your spirit here from your body... So no, you're not a ghost...yet. Actually, I'm offering you a second chance in life. Yup, that's right! Once in a lifetime offer!"

'Well that offer truly lives up to its description...' You thought to yourself.

"Basically, all you have to do is to complete missions and you'll be back to your old life again!" 520 exclaimed.

"Missions? What kind of missions? How can I trust that this is not just some lame dream? And... my old life? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Well... we have a rule to remove all your past memories about yourself except for your name and birthday, so that when you're on missions, you won't get homesick. That's one of the reasons why this is all real! Don't worry though, all your memories will be back once you have returned to your body."

You really don't know if you should feel at ease after hearing that. I mean, you're in a dreamlike place right now, talking to a floating ball of light, and you don't remember anything... sounds about right.

"About the mission, it seems like you got paired up with a easy category! All you have to do is to make a specific person to fall in love with you over and over again throughout each world."

"EASY?! That's easy? How am I supposed to make someone fall in love with me?! Especially when I don't even know them!" You were starting to have second thoughts at this point. What if you don't want to go back? You quickly shook that thought out of you, who wouldn't want to live again?

"I mean, compared to others, all you got to do is make him fall in love with you. Let's see... here it is! This one requires you to live out your life to the fullest-"

"OH, that one's nice!"

"-until you get brutally killed over and over again throughout the worlds. Don't worry though, your real body won't get affected in any way."

"... Forget I said anything, and is that really supposed to be comforting?"

"Oh, this one requires you to substitute yourself into the bodies of the victims and find all douchebags that did this to them, making them pay for what they have done."

"That one sounds hard, you probably need a lot of knowledge and skills to be able to complete it..." Okay, maybe you're starting to admit that yours was the easiest.

"This one requires you to murder every-"

"OKAY, OKAY. I've heard enough... I'll just stick to mine."

"Alright, it's not like you've got any choice anyways," 520 said, as its voice getting more quiet as it talked.

You decided to ignore what it had muttered and wondered about the person you're going to meet up in your mission. Hopefully he's handsome..! That will surely make everything more enjoyable. Additional points if they are loyal to you too...


To My Heart's Desire (M! Yandere x F! Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now