The Iron Wakandan pt3

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When T'Challa returned, he could feel time had passed, even if not drastically changing the atmosphere, it had changed the way he valued his life and his loved. He spent more time with his mother, let her sister's prank pass, spoke more freely towards his people, but most importantly loved his husband to death. He remembered his screams in the ancestral plains, how his father looked at him in shock and he simply smiled, love dripping from his eyes. His ancestors had blessed him before he returned. Some scandalized at being commanded , some amused by his embarrassment. He was after all the youngest there and they had all the right to tease him about his marriage.

Tony had to take some time off after he fainted upon their return. He was scared beyond his wits when he saw his love collapse. And in that moment he had also had to realise the degree of grief he had caused. Some days Tony would wake up having nightmares, the fall of new york replaced with his fall down the mountain. He came to know how Tony had refused the move out of the water the whole day after his fall and how he would visit everyday for an inch of his image. How he had given his blood sweat and tears making Wakanda stronger and safer . Reconnecting the relations and articulating potential alliances.

Regardless to say, he was making amends even if Tony assured him there was no need to. Currently walking towards the gardens , talking with Nakia, his eyes fell upon Tony playing with children . A lot of children. T'challa had suggested they take a trip somewhere, maybe Manhattan or Queens and something had twinkled in Tony's eyes he just didn't know what. Nakia excused herself seeing the king was.... Distracted. And so he walked towards his beloved. Slowly approaching from the back he heard Telling the children a story. The story of how they had met. And so he listened to Tony's version of their meetings.

"... And you see children your king is a very very brave man. He took over Wakanda so young and yet he made it so beautiful. He is so capable, very loving and emotionally mature.... Unlike some people" The last part of muttered out and T'challa knew who these 'people' are. The fallout of the avengers had been an ugly affair. A lot of damage , both physical and emotional.

But he couldn't help but feel his inclination towards Tony. While he tried to be as unbiased as possible. During the amendment of the accords he had spent a lot of time with Tony, both having lost so much had found solace in each other. Betrayal had cut deep. Tony had taken the blow on his fragile body from a Vibranium shield. He would never forgive the people who hurt him and therefore never let him be near them.

Tony was still complimenting T'challa like he was perfect in every sense. Had T'challa not been trained to maintain his demeanor he would be a blushing mess. But Tony realised that and tried to hide his embarrassment from the children, failing miserably as the children giggled.

He continued "ANYWAYYYYYY One day when I had come to Wakanda for discussing something Shuri had asked my advice on some designs. Surely she is smart, I believe smarter than me, she is a great learner and a very humble person. She asked me something that purely based on Vibranium's structure and i had no idea, because well there wasn't vibranium for me to study up untill a few months ago. You don't just distribute it because of a TrEatY because people are bit- uhh I mean people are a bit ... Bad sometimes, yeah there are bad people out there. It had only been 3 days since I received my first piece of raw Vibranium to study and the technology to study it further was here in Wakanda. And so I had stayed here."

T'challa remembers vividly how much Shuri wanted to get the two together. Purely because she loved Tony's sass and the thirst to learn much like hers. The two together where children in an amusement park, just the park was a lab and the children created revolutions every second together. She had a strong feeling T'challa won't be able to woo Tony in 9 life times ( a pun on the panther ) and thus had intervened to keep Tony here without it being all about business and making him comfortable through a familiar subjects and interests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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